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Inscriptions 5 gopast house magazine 06.04.2014

Greetings to you all,

Our House magazine has completed one year and has just stepped into its second year.

The last 4 issues have had a collective more than 12000 readers. This has been possible only with the support of Gopast teams and its dedicated associates. Thanks to all for the kind support extended.

This issue contains:

1) A Champion from the crowd - a motivational article by RG

2) Estate planning through assignment of a life insurance policy technical article by RG

3) Solvency margin - continued from inscriptions 4 by Actuary Mr R Ramakrishnan

4) Insurance Laws- by Prof Rajagopalan

5) Journey of Success an article by Mr Veeraraja Saravanan

6) A Tribute to my profession an article by Mr T G Anbarasan and

7) Launch of "Palm Leaf" Our portal a small gist by RG