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Inscriptions 7 the quarterly house magazine from Gopast -06.10.2014

Greetings to you all.

This is the SEVENTH quarterly issue of our house magazine INSCRIPTIONS.

Inscriptions made on stone seldom fade, this is the core of the tag line of this magazine. Truth Stays Forever. This magazine will be of interest for people engaged in the financial services industry

The highlights of this issue are:

1) Time is more than money about time management by Mr R.Gopinath

2) Regularity is the key to wealth- by Mr R. Gopinath

3) Income Tax for the AY 2014-2015 the rules by Mrs Leena Chheda CFP and Mr Meet Chheda CA

4) Early retirement by Mr U.N. Subash

5) Agent- A crafted bamboo by Mr R. Jagadeesh

6) Knowledge Treasure hunt - a competition for Palm Leaf users.