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The Members of Kozhikode Division (SZ)

The Members of Kozhikode Division (SZ)

Dear Comrades,

Please do accept my folded hands regards, best wishes & congrats on the occasion of your XX Biennial General Body Meeting. I salute your loyalty and commitment towards this mighty organisation. First of all I am requesting you all to kindly forgive me for not attending your GB Meeting, Your Zonal Sec., and Divisional Secretary has already informed and invited me in time. But due to being much busy in some personal & family related issues, I am becoming an absentee and I am feeling a huge Sorry for that.

     Please do accept my best wishes & congrats on the occasion of your Biennial General Body Meeting. Kozhikode Division as a division is a valuable pillar of strength for the organisation which is very effaciously playing all into organisational roles and became one of the strongest Div. which is following the organisational guidelines in Toto. For past several years it is conducting its Div.EC once in three months every Mar/June/Sep/Dec, Holding Joint Consultative Meeting with Management and obtaining minutes from them and circulating it down the line to members. This disciplined dynamism culture and blessings of God gave leaders like Com. K P Rajagopalan  ji, K B Rajendran ji who headed the South Zone as President & Zonal Sec. respectively and Com. Ajay Kumar ji as All India Joint Sec, NFIFWI.


It is very relaxing for me that Respected AIP Com. M.Vinay Babu Ji is present there. Com. M.Vinay Babu Ji is contributing his best as a pioneer of Team NFIFWI and he will very well update you about all the organisational efforts. I have a firm believe that after hearing Com. M.Vinay Babu Ji  you will surely not miss my presence. CS members Respected AIJS Com. A. Ajay Kumar ji, Zonal President SZ Com. A.L. Sethuram ji & ZS-SZ Com. S Anand ji  will also update you with entire organisational updates.

 As our organization is running in its 63rd year and now we have to honestly review and accept that no doubt our functioning and course of action was good but was not up to the level of best or excellent.

We have to find out our mistakes and omissions of past and should have a determination to rectify them, we have to overcome from the tendencies of self-satisfaction, we have to strengthen our unity and fraternity for a determined and committed work actions of organisational activities. Remembering our great leader Com. Kalvit ji, come let us take an oath that we will remain united and together we will move for organisational causes and for the betterment of our class and organisation at large.

     Today our central federation is working as a team in a well planned way for the betterment of our members, all the CS members and even our veteran leaders too are helping and coordinating in their best capabilities and it is only the result of organisational work culture of collective leadership, collective consideration and collective decision with full transparency that organisation is smoothly progressing since 2014 and achieving such type of results too, which can’t be dreamt earlier. Respected AIP Com. M.Vinay Babu Ji,  Respected AIJS Com. A. Ajay Kumar ji will accompany the learned Zonal President SZ Com. A.L. Sethuram ji & ZS-SZ Com. S Anand ji while updating you all there, about the organisational functioning and efforts.

     Today on this auspicious occasion be committed with open hearts that we will continue to be a disciplined, committed, United, and loyalist member of the organisation and the same thing we will inherit to our future too.

I wish and pray Baba Vishwanath that our Kozhikode division gets flourished day by day to the new horizon of organisational excellence.

      NFIFWI, Kozhikode Division is a cluster of devotee, vibrant & disciplined leaders.  It is pillar of strength to All India Organization. Through this letter, I, on behalf of central federation, render My heart felt good wishes and greetings to all of you including Div. President Com. E.K.Prasad , Com. PV. Ameer Ali Div. Secretary, Respected AIJS Com. A. Ajay Kumar ji   (who is a basic member of your Division) and All the office bearers of Kozhikode Division for a grand success of the XX Biennial General Body Meeting.

With best regards,

Comradely yours,

Vivek Singh

Secretary General