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All The Members of NFIFWI

NFIFWI/56/2018-20                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Date-04-05-2019

All The Members of NFIFWI

Dear Comrades,

We are delighted to inform you on behalf of NFIFWI, that the important burning issue concerning the class of Development Officers, for which we have Consistently submitted and been continuously pursuing for the last few years, have been successfully achieved. Historic Circular is issued by LIC Management regarding Reappointment of those terminated development officers whose length of service was more than 7years and less than 10 years and terminated as per amended special rules 2016.

Amendment of Special Rules was and is, definitely our dream project to provide maximum safeguards to our members and our Team NF regularly took the issue on top priority since 2014 and the new innovative work culture of organizational functioning with Collective responsibility and full transparency gave amazing results. Every esteemed member of our Central Secretariat of 2014-16, 2016-18 & present team open heartedly rendered best of their abilities and everything what happened is still fresh in your memories. The miraculous achievement of amendment in Special Rules became a reality and provided maximum safeguards to maximum of our members. The much needed modification of Special Rules, which were notified by the Govt. Of India vide Gazette dated 22nd January, 2016 brought a lot of cheer and consolation to the Cadre of Development Officers. Even though the rules brought a lot of happiness and consolation to the cadre of Development Officers, difficulty was faced by terminated Development Officers with regard to amendment made to Rule 15 “Re-appointment of terminated Dev.Officers” of Special Rules giving retrospective effect from 1st August 2015 without giving any transitional concessions and has drastically affected Development Officers. Regrettably, the modifications meant to ameliorate the sufferings of D.O’s has not fully solved the purpose and due to the absence of transitional concessions affected the reappointment of Development Officers who have completed 7 years of service.


Some of the Development Officers whose appraisals had fallen due after July 2015, but not settled because of the Central Office instructions to keep in abeyance, till the new rules were notified, were put to a loss because of the amendments in Rule 15 of Special Rules. The Development Officers were denied re-appointment in Class-III citing L.I.C of India (Reappointment of Terminated Development Officers) Amended Rules 2016 though they have completed more than 7 years service but not completed 10 years service on the date of termination. Such instances of unintentional loss to Development Officers needed to be specially looked into and justice needed to be done to them.

The terminations have affected the D.O’s creating livelihood trauma for them and their families.. The terminated D.O’s were not able to get any other employment due to age bar and were undergoing mental agony and deep financial constraints. Without iota of exaggeration, all such D.O’s were wallowing in severe depression and abject poverty. The terminated D.O’s and their families were facing lot of problems and they were eagerly waiting for justice.

This was the point which clinched away all our joy and peace and our team again joined heads to resolve the issue.

We requested the management to look into our grievance and consider all such cases sympathetically, In view of the Explanatory Memorandum in the Gazette and also the principles of Natural Justice, and to see that all those Development officers who were adversely affected, be safeguarded and absorbed into Class III. The matter was so complex that it attracted various legal queries and therefore took time by LICI management.

Lastly the issue assumed great dimension as we ourselves had vouched for further changes in the Special Rules and therefore we believed no single soul can be adversely affected. The vision of NF was never parochial and It has always believed in the greatest good of greatest number. The issue was a great challenge which demanded organizational will, steady nerve, diplomatic skill of negotiation and above all complete unity of members.

It’s been both exciting and inspirational to me to inform you that it is a historic moment for all of us that all such terminated Development Officers will be absorbed into class.III. LIC Issued circular (Ref: Mktg./ZD/09/2019 Dated.02.05.2019) allowing Development Officers whose service was terminated as per the provisions of Amended Special Rules 2016 and whose relevant appraisal was falling due between 1.8.2015 to 1.1.2017 (i.e. appraisals commencing from 1.8.2014 to 1.1.2016 and has completed at least 7 years of service but less than 10 years of service in class II as on the date of such termination and has not completed 55 years of age, for reappointment in the service of the corporation to do administrative work in class III.

United, we amazingly won the battle and today it is really a moment of proud and pleasure for us to see the brilliant and outstanding performance of, our Team NF which really made possible this achievement Kudos to Team NF. Red Salutes to all the esteemed CS Members / NEC members (2014-16, 2016-18 & present) and the entire credit goes to them.

Our commitment to passionately advocating for their absorption and the extreme efforts we have been putting has really paid off. I believe that it was an ambitious but attainable set of goal, as we were fighting for justice. Doing all of that extra work while continuing to pursue the other pending issues of the class, was extremely ambitious and took a lot of effort and dedication by the entire team. We are sure it was worth it all, knowing that the achievement will make such a positive difference in the lives and career path of those D.O’s who were terminated and gives a fresh lease of life.

Congratulations and thanks for the achievement and success which is dedicated to all the members who came together to support the terminated Development Officers.

It is truly an accomplishment and marks a point of renowned fulfillment for NFIFWI, and it sets the stage for the crowning of future success.

NFIFWI wishes all the absorbed members for their success and bright future in this great organization.

We thank the Respected Chairman who had focused and enabled on our high priority strategic issue, responding to the request of NFIFWI and taking steps to address our grievance and find remedy to our issue. On behalf of our entire membership we place our sincere gratitude and thanks to our Management, for keeping faith in us and understanding our issues of concerns so wisely and sympathetically.


Today some forces raises a hue whenever there is a termination but it is a fact that NF have consistently tried to provide protection to each and every one based on the provisions of the law of the land. Today our NF is strong enough and is moving forward with a vision of collective thinking, judgment and decision with full transparency, but still there are some people along with non-members and expelled members who are not feeling good are continuously involving in weakening the organisation every day, while defying the organizational guidelines. Some of our members are still directly and indirectly helping them to weaken the organization. We will have to fight such elements intensely and definitely we will fight. One of Division Unit is also continuously weakening us by defying organization decisions openly, inspite of the written commitment to the NEC. Several times opportunity was given to them and we have tried to convince them very calmly to obey and follow the directions of the NFIFWI. As there is no change and improvement in the attitude of the Division, we are forced to implement the decision of the NEC, to protect the interest of the NFIFWI and its members. Details will be explained in the ensuing NEC going to be held at Hyderabad.

Our Unity Zindabad !! National Federation Zindabad !!


With best regards,

Comradely yours,

Vivek Singh

Secretary General