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Message to All

Dear Comrades,

We have been putting our best efforts to bring favorable changes in the existing CO circular on allotment of agents to Dev. Officers so that maximum number of agents who will become direct due to retirement of their respective Development Officer may be allotted to the existing D.O’s. Based on the report prepared by the sub-committee formed with 3 CS members during the C.S meeting held at Jaipur on 22nd, 23rd & 25th April 2017 we have been continuing our efforts for changes in the allotment circular. 

With constant persuasion and efforts, NFIFWI could bring changes in the allotment of agents circular by modification of FPI condition for allotment of agents and taking only restrictive credit under Single premium. LIC issued circular Mktg./ZD/12/2018 dated 12th June 2018, revising the FPI limits to Average 10 lakhs (with 10% credit for single premium) in last 3 financial years. With the changes in the allotment circular many of our Development Officers got allotment of good agents. 

We will be continuing our efforts in further changes in the rules on allotment of agents (Allotment of D.M, Z.M and Chairmans Club Members to D.O’s) and repeatedly requested our members to recruit maximum agents and strengthen the hands of NFIFWI.  Inspite of our repeated requests nearly 6000 Development Officers did not recruit a single agent during the last financial year, and many have become non eligible for allotment of agents this year.

We have requested the management to relax the condition of net addition of agents for allotment of agents to Confirmed Development Officers, this year also.  

Today LIC has issued circular relaxing condition of net addition of agents, ( Ref:Mktg./ZD/ 13/2019 Dated 17.5.2019) without any net addition clause, but with a clause of at least 1(one) agent recruitment during the last F.Y 2018-19 or at least 1 agent recruitment during the current F.Y 2019-20 and having at least 15 agents on roll as at 31.03.2019. The condition of recruitment of minimum 1 agent will not be applicable to a Development Officer if there are at least 50 agents in his/her organisation as at the end of the last financial year. The relaxation will be applicable for the financial year 2019-20 only. 

Kindly note that this may be final relaxation from the side of the management and request the members to recruit maximum new agents this year. 

The relaxation shall definitely contribute in a big way to all the needy Development Officers who are struggling to fulfill the work norms and also add further to our legitimate demand and road to achieve "Total Job Security."

We sincerely urge upon the leadership of every division to monitor the issue of allotment of agents with their each and every branch unit so that all allottable agents may be allotted to our members within one month from permanent exit of any Dev Officer due to Promotion, Retirement, Resignation Death and termination.

With Regards,

Vivek Singh