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Circulation of circulars and notifications

 All Members NFIFWI,

 *Sub: Circulation of circulars and notifications*

*Dear Comrades,*

In the recent past, The Central Office has issued clear guidelines regarding circulation of the circular issued by the corporation and the information related to the corporation.

On the other hand, NFIFWI has also issued clear guidelines for circulation of official messages/LIC circulars and other notifications by  all the Zonal Secretaries & Divisional Secretaries to the down level following the organisational discipline and decorum. In turn, the Branch Secretaries should forward the official messages to the common members unless it is being marked confidential or not to be circulated.

We have come across on several cases where the unofficial circulars/messages (which are not been received from the communication channel  of NFIFWI) collected social media are being circulated to the members violating the guideline of Central Office as well as NFIFWI.

The matter has been discussed once  again during our last NEC meeting held at Hyderabad and once again a very clear guidelines has been issued after NEC/ Hyderabad.

In spite of that, some Divisional Secretary and Presidents are still ignoring the guidelines.

The Zonal Secretary will only send the circular or message received from the Secretary General or circulars recieved from competent authority of their Zonal Office and their own  organizational messages to the Divisional Secretary.

The Divisional Secretary will only send the circular or message received from their respective Zonal Secretary or circulars recieved from competent authority of their Divisional Office and their own  organizational messages to the Branch Secretary. *In no case Divisional President should forward/circulate any messages or circular to down level except in some urgent/extra ordinary circumstances.*
The Branch Secretary will only send the circular or message received from their respective Divisional Secretary or circulars recieved from competent authority of their Divisional Office and their own  organizational messages to their members. 
 Apart from this, no NEC or ZEC member will send any circular or message to the members.

 It is a humble request to all the NEC and ZEC members that please understand the seriousness of the subject and comply with the guidelines issued.


 *Vivek Singh*
 *Secretary General*