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Protest against denial of benefits the employees benefits like reimbursement of expenses towards furnishing of residence to the Development Officers

NFIFWI/83/2018-2020                                          26th July 2019


The Chairman,

Life Insurance Corporation of India

Central Office, Mumbai-400021


Respected Sir,              

Re: Circular dated 24thJuly 2019 for furnishing of residence of Class-I Officers.


                          We have gone through the above circular issued by the ED (E&OS) under Ref: CO/OS/FURNITURE/20/2019/07 dated 24th July 2019. We always welcome any circular issued from our corporate office extending any kind of employees benefits. However, this time we are really upset and saddened to note that this benefit has been limited only to Class-I Officers of the corporation ignoring and depriving the Class-II Officers of the Corporation who are practically working as a Public Relationship Officer of LIC in its vast market area to uphold the image of the corporation and having the sole responsibility to procure business of LIC for its growth and prosperity. In fact, as a responsible trade union organisation we always feel that any kind of employees benefit like reimbursement of residence furnishing expenses, electricity charges, expenses on household help etc should be extended to all segments of employees of the corporation in a proportionate basis as every section of employees are contributing for the growth and prosperity of LIC. Even through our earlier letter dated 19th March 2019 (Ref: NFIFWI/50/2018-20), we had expressed our strong reservation against granting of any kind of employees benefits to any selected class or cadre creating a feeling of discrimination and deprivation amongst the other segment of employees.  


We also want to bring it to your kind notice that, apart from our pending Charter of Demand submitted to your good office on 7th December 2017, during Information sharing session held at Mumbai on 12th & 13th March 2019 as well as 15th & 16th July 2019, we had also discussed and requested the ED (Personnel) for extending some employees benefits like reimbursement of furniture expenses, Electricity & household expenses etc. to our class before our incoming wage revision. 


We are already in receipt of a very strong resentment from our members from every nook and corner against the above captioned circular. In fact, after release of that circular, when a particular class is rejoicing on the benefits granted, a feeling of alienation and deprivation is already being developed within our class affecting the team spirit as LICians which may have a great impact on their activities and performances. 


As such, we sincerely request you to intervene appropriately for extending the facility of reimbursement of furnishing expenses to all segments of employees of the corporation on proportionate basis without any more delay.


With warm regards,

Sincerely yours,



(Vivek Singh)

Secretary General