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NFIFWI welcomes all newly recruited development officers

All Divisional Secretaries

(Through respective Zonal Secretaries)

Dear Comrades,

By this time all the Divisions has published the final list of candidates selected for recruitment of Apprentice Development Officers. Very soon the selected candidates will be called for Medical Examination before issuance of appointment letters and with all probability, the newly recruited Dev Officers will be asked to report at the respective STCs for orientation training on and from 1st December 2019.

In this context, we sincerely  request you to ensure the following activities at every division:

1. Displaying flax in divisional office premises on behalf of NFIFWI welcoming all new ADOs on every division on the day of their medical examination and on the day of commencement of training.

2- On the day of their medical examination, an help desk should be opened on behalf of NFIFWI at all the divisional office to help and guide the newly recruited ADOs. All Divisional Office bearers are expected to be present at the divisional office on that day.

3- In various divisions, a good number of female ADOs are also there among successful candidates, in such a condition please do involve one or two of your lady comrades at the help desk.

4- During their training session, President and General Secretary of the respective division should fix a session with all newly recruited ADOs to guide and educate them through an interactive session. 

5- General Secretary of the respective division should prepare a branch-wise list of their division showing number of development officers in 03/2018 and probable number of development officers in 03/2020 and with the help of this list the divisional team should have a discussion with their respective Sr.DM regarding posting of these new ADOs considering the aspects e.g. equal and scientific pattern of posting, availability of space, availability of seating arrangements with individual table & chair etc. In case of non-availability of basic infrastructures, arrangements must be done before posting of new ADOs.

6- Every division must ensure that there should be no excess posting in SOs and availability of basic infrastructure should be ensured before posting at SOs.

7- In case of any problems, please address a letter to your Sr. DM in this reference with a copy to your ZS.

8- All the Zonal Secretaries are also requested to have a discussion with their ZM before posting on the basis of feedback received from their divisions considering the aspects of the equal and scientific pattern of posting and do send a written letter to your ZM in this reference with a copy to SG.

9- All DS must inform their ZS about these activities as a full reporting within a time limit. 

10- All ZS are also requested to send full reporting of their divisions to SG.


Vivek Singh
Secretary General