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Com.K.P.Rajagopal Ex ZS SZ

NFIFWI/18/2020-22                                                                 Date-18-02-2020

All Members of NFIFWI

Dear Comrades,

It was shock for all of us to hear the sad news of the demise of Com.K.P.Rajagopal Ex ZS SZ yesterday (17.2.2020). Com.K.P.Rajagopal participated in the felicitation function of Com.Jacob Kusumalay on 15th February and went back to his home. He was at his native home at Vatakara at the time of death. 

Com.K.P. Rajagopal popularly known as KPR who was a true trade unionist, was born on 30/08/1952 . While doing his graduation in law joined in the services of LIC on 27/11/1974 and became Dev. Officer in  the year 1984. He was a hard core trade unionist and was very   sincere in keeping good relations among fellow comrades. He became Gen Secretary of Kozhikode division in the year 1989 and during his tenure the division was groomed as the most disciplined unit in the entire country by implementing   code of conduct among the comrades of the Division. In the year 2000 he was co-opted as Gen. Sec of South Zone. He was at the helm affairs of the Zonal federation consecutively for three terms. He was General Secretary of Kozhikode Division prior to his retirement in the year 2012. After retirement he was practicing as advocate in Kozhikode.

Cremation was done at 7pm at his ancestral home at Iringal near Vatakara, Kozhikode yesterday. The last rites was attended by big crowd from different walks of life.

On behalf of NF AIJS Com.Ajay Kumar laid wreath and NF flag was draped.

A condolence meeting organized by Kozhikode Division was held at Hotel Alakapuri, Kozhikode Today (18-02-2020.) Leaders of sister trade unions, pensioners association, agents organisation, bar association paid tributes. Our AIJS Com.Ajay Kumar, Com.K.B.Rajendran Ex-Z.P S.Z and several NEC members attended the condolence meeting.

His contribution and yeoman services for NFIFWI would be always remembered. We share the grief & sorrow of the family and pray Almighty God to rest the departed soul in eternal peace and give courage to the bereaved family to bear the loss. We stand by the family in this hour of grief. 

Com.K.P.Rajagopal has left us but he is immortal in our hearts.

In grief,

Vivek Singh 

Secretary General