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Information sharing session report on 12th March 20200

Dear comrades,
The scheduled meeting of the *2nd* Information Sharing meeting of the F.Y with NFIFWI was held by the Marketing Department, at Central Office on *12th March.* The first Information Sharing meeting was held on *15th July 2019.* NFIFWI was represented by its All India office bearer’s lead by AIP *Com.M.Vinay Babu,* SG *Com.Vivek Singh,* AIVP *Com. Deepak Vaghela*, Jt. Secretaries *Com. A. Ajay Kumar, Com. Sanjiv Gupta Com. Debasish Nath* and RS *D P Yadav*. Management was represented by the ED (Mktg.) Shri *D.N.Joshi ji,* Chief SBA Shri.*Satpal* , *Sri.V.R.Shukla ji*, Sec. (Mktg.) *Shri.Muralidharan ji,* Sec (Mktg), ×Shri.Sahoo ji* Sec.(Mktg) along with other officials from Marketing Department. Chief (Mktg) *Sri P.Kumaresan ji* could not attend due to the sudden death of his father.
The Sec. (Mktg) Sri Shukla ji placed some issues of concerns from the side of the management through a power point presentation. They complimented the Development Officers for the excellent work done and hoped that the management will achieve the target on all the five pillars after many years. They requested the support of all the D.O’s for achieving the budget on all counts. They expressed the concern that during the F.Y, till 29.2.2020 4326 D.O’s did not recruit a single agent and only 61% of the D.O’s conducted the unit meetings allowed by C.O from 14.12.2019 to 25.1.2020.  

After reviewing the previous information sharing issues we placed the issues of 100% credit for SIIP plan for calculation of basic cost, further revision in car circular, seating arrangement for all PDOs/DOs in the main branch & satellite branches, separate biometric device for all Dev. Officers with Individual P.C, purposeful DO App, relaxation in upper age limit for RCA and removal of ceiling in number and percentage for RCA/CCA, Maternity and child care leave issue for lady Dev. Officers, Further modification in Special Rule, change in the concept of rounding-off of cost ratio from .04% to 0.49%, Relief due to the effect of Corona outbreak, CLIA spouse agency, area opening, credit for recycled business in other branch anywhere in the country, compensatory allotment of agent to the DOs in the case of appointment of an agent as PDO from his/her organisation, inclusion of PDOs in the Gr.Mediclaim scheme, relaxation in the eligibility criteria for promotion to the cadre of ABM, Wage revision and relaxations for D.O’s, Inclusion of New parameter on SFYP or NSP in productive agent definition, Meals coupon and D.A on Touring days, credit (FPI and NOP) on sale of Micro Bachat Plan, enhancement in the purchase price of mobile phone, car through GeM portal, Appointment of terminated ERC agencies, J&K issue, another opportunity to allow the left out Dev. Officers/Retd. Dev. Officers to include in the Gr. Mediclaim scheme, transfer of DOs from CAB to other nearby branches, Point of Sales person appointment by D.O’s, Opportunity for Agents resigned as PDO, recovery from agents appointed as PDO, Networking problems, Benefit Illustration problem for the new plans introduced from 01.02.2020, Conventions and Cash option for retired D.O’s who are qualified in competitions, Introduction and Completion of business credit for competitions etc. In almost all the issues management principally accepted the logic behind our demands and assured to examine the possibilities. We hope for the positive results. 
The new team met Chairman *Shri M.R.Kumar ji* and MD *Shri Rajkumar ji* and had discussions on some very important issues.
The NFIFWI team was welcomed and honoured by Mumbai DO-1 EC members and Divisional Office bearers in CO.
On 13th March the full team of NFIFWI participated in the massive Demonstration before the Yogakshema during the lunch hour, as per the programme decided by the Joint Front. After the Demonstration the delegation of the Joint Front met ED (P) *Smt.P.Kher and Shri G.S.Wanwar* Chief (P). Management had appealed to all the Joint Front unions individually in writing to withdraw the agitational programmes and assured to resume discussions in the month of April. The Joint Front then submitted its memorandum to the Chairman *Shri M.R.Kumar*, M.D *Shri Vipin Anand* and placed its view point on wage revision. Chairman requested us to call off our agitational program in the month of March and assured to invite the unions in April for wage discussions. In view of the written assurance of the management and their request, the Joint Front decided to defer all its agitational programmes till further notice. 
We met MD *Shri Vipin Anand* and discussed about the network problems and CRM issues. We had demanded space for NFIFWI in the C.O. 
*Detailed letter follows*

*Vivek Singh*.