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Corona Virus

Dear Comrades,

The corona virus is creating havoc for the entire world, and in view of the rising threat, Central and State Governments have brought in stringent measures to check the spread of the disease, with many of the Governments imposing curfew like situation. The situation is alarming and all the Development Officers also have to play their role by implementing the decisions and directions given by LIC, the respective State Governments and the Government of India. Reports are emerging from around the country about the fast spread of the corona virus and the Development Officers are more prone due to their marketing activities. Given the unpredictable nature of the virus and continued spread, kindly observe the guidelines issued by the authorities very strictly.

It is understandable that DO’s are highly anxious and worried about New Business and achieving targets. As we work for the corporation and to protect our policy holders, we must also protect ourselves from the disease outbreaks and it’s more important than ever to spread awareness and support each other. We know this is a stressful time and people want to know what they can do right now to protect themselves and their families. All the Development Officers are requested to strictly adhere to the guidelines issued by the authorities and need not worry about their appraisals.

The NFIFWI is fully vigilant of the situation and assure all our members that utmost care will be taken to protect our member’s interests. The interests of the P.D.O’s also will be taken care of by the NFIFWI. We urge all our members to concentrate more on protecting themselves and their family members against corona virus. 

As a reminder, as we work together to mitigate the spread of this disease, it is important to continue to practice healthy habits as prescribed by the authorities. Social distancing has been recommended as the best measure to reduce transmission of the virus and enable our health systems to cope. Stay healthy, protect your family and protect others by following the guidelines issued by the authorities. Support Global efforts to contain Corona virus.

Let us continue our compassion and support during these challenging times, as India fights to contain the dreadful virus. 

Comradely yours,

Vivek Singh

Secretary General