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SG Appeal To All Members of NFIFWI

Dear Comrades,

You are aware that some of our expelled members/non members have formed an association of Development Officers  and sending letters to LIC management/Government on their letterhead highlighting the issues already taken up by NFIFWI for redressal.They are also continuously posting such letters in different social media for the sake of publicity.

It has also come to our notice that some of our members are also forwarding these massages/letters to various groups and thereby involving themselves in anti- federation activities knowingly or unknowingly.

Those people are also very much active on Facebook and twitter too. Since many of our members are there in their friends list, they unknowingly and indirectly became a factor to circulate all such negative posts.

We therefore made an appeal to all our loyal and dedicated members to *kindly remove* all such unwarranted persons from their friends list in Facebook & Twitter.

Besides this NFIFWI also requests its members that kindly refrain from posting or forwarding of any posts letters of any expelled/non-me members or any such so called association formed by non-members/expelled members and if they finds any such posts please take a screen shot and send the same immediately to their respective Divisional Secretary. 

We sincerely hope and believe that all our members will definitely respond to our appeal for the greater interest of NFIFWI.


Vivek Singh