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Code of conduct of employees while using internet & Social media


All Members-NFIFWI

Re: Code of conduct of employees while using internet & Social media

Dear Comrades,

We just want to remind you all that in addition to the provisions of Regulation 39 read with Regulation 21, 22 & 24 of L. I. C. of India Staff Regulations 1960, through circular dated 19/4/2019 under Ref:  PR/ER-Discipline/219/2019 issued by the Executive Director (Personnel), some restrictions has already been imposed to all employees of the corporation about posting of any news/information/illustration related to any products of LIC or any internal circulation issued  by LIC for its employees & internal/external customers through internet or different social media. 

From our end, we have also requested all of you on so many occasions through our various communications (last being through our circular 12th July 2019 under Ref: NFIFWI/78/2018-20) not to post any such thing at any social media which may attract any disciplinary action. However, despite all our requests/reminders or caution, many of our members are still engaged themselves in posting all such things in different WhatsApp groups/Facebook and other social on regular basis where some high officials of LIC are also included.

Through a letter dated 5th April 2020 addressed to all ZM's, RM (Marketing)'s & SDM's, our ED (Marketing & PD) has already instructed for close monitoring of all such false/fabricated or fractually incorrect messages  and postings at different social medias by agents and Development  Officers on regular basis and initiate proper action at their end in case of any violations. It has also come to our knowledge that management has already identified some Development Officers and agents who have posted some news/information about LIC in the backdrop of outbreak of COVID-19 in different social media which are in complete violations of the provisions of the Staff Regulation 1960 as well as detailed guidelines issued by ED(Personnel) dated 19/4/2019 and already issued instructions to the respective SDM's to initiate stringent disciplinary action against all such Development Officers and agents.

Under such situations for the last and final occasion, once again we sincerely request all members to restrict themselves in posting any such thing in any WhatsApp/Massenger/ Telegram/Facebook groups or internet from today onwards.

No member of NFIFWI should post anything related to LIC in any groups of social media. Only the organisational messages sent by the Secretary General, Zonal Secretaries and Divisional Secretaries should be forwarded by the Branch Secretary only to all members through WhatsApp broadcast group unless being any restrictions imposed from the higher level. Apart from the Secretary General, Zonal Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries and Branch Secretaries, no other office bearers of any level should post anything related to LIC and NFIFWI both in any groups.

Please also take a note that incase of any violations of our last final request, NF will not be any position to give any support and protection in the days ahead 

With thanks and regards,

Vivek Singh