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Chairman's appeal for contribution to PM CARES fund

Dear Comrades,

By this time all of you might have received the appeal of our esteemed Chairman, LIC for donation towards PMCARE Fund to help and support the Government to fight against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Really we are passing through a very difficult time, where life and living of our entire countrymen is under serious threat. Economic activities of the entire country has come to a hult during this 40 days locked down period. It should be our bounden duty to stand by the side of the government with all possible help and support to strengthen the medical facilities as well as to continue the supply of food and other essential items to the needy people who don't have regular earning like ours during this period.

On behalf of NFIFWI, it is our sincere request to you all to donate generously to PMCARE fund responding to the appeal of our Hon'ble Chairman. In case of any difficulties while giving your mandate through online for deduction of desired amount from salary of April 2020, please report your respective Divisional Secretary immediately.

With thanks and regards,

Vivek Singh

Secretary General