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Relaxation in Disincentive under work norm

Dear Comrades,
As you all aware that since very beginning of on going COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent locked down situation, we are constantly in touch with the management for granting relaxations on the issues related to our class to protect our Development Officers and agents from any kinds of permanent losses during this unprecedented situation.

On number of occasions our hon'ble Chairman, MD's and ED (Marketing) had also assured us for granting relaxations for agents and Development Officers depending upon the need and situation.

By this time, apart from allowing relaxations on MAB of agents, granting special COVID-19 advance for ERC agents, relaxations on OMA of SBA's, some considerable relaxation on disincentive tables of our Special Rule 2016 has also been allowed through circular dated 21/4/2020.

We are receiving many queries regarding the relaxations granted in Disincentives under Special Rule circular issued by the C.O, yesterday based on the request of NFIFWI. 

Many of our members are not able to understand the circular, which really insulates the D.O's from termination and decrement at least for one year. 

We thank the management for sympathetically considering the relaxations in work norms and other issues due to this unprecedented situation prevailing in the country. 

Our request is that the unprecedented situation needs unprecedented relaxations. We are continuously pursuing with the management for some other relaxations and also early issuence of some other circulars, which are of importance. 

We request all the members not to worry on any issue and have confidence on our great organization, NFIFWI, which is working day in and day out to address the issues confronted by the class of Development Officers. We also request everyone to Stay home and Stay Safe, by following the guidelines issued by Government of India, Local authorities and LIC. Detailed letter follows.