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Appeal of our Hon'ble Chairman, LIC to donate generously towards PMCARES fund

All Members NFIFWI

Dear Comrades,

You all are in receipt of the appeal of our Hon'ble Chairman, LIC to donate generously towards PMCARE fund to strengthen the hands of the Government to upgrade medical facilities as well as providing foods and other essential commodities to all the people who have lost their regular income due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent total locked down situations. 

From our side, we also made a request to you all  to give your consent mentioning the amount you want to contribute towards this noble cause through the link provided by the ED(Personnel) for deduction of the desired amount from the salary of April 2020 through our WhatsApp message dated 16th April 2020.

Based on our request, the management has also given some alternative mechanism for giving the consent without having valid e-mail I'd/pass word during this locked down period.

However, in spite of that less than 20% of our existing Development Officers (Total-4134) has given their consent up to 23/4/2020 for deduction towards PMCARE fund responding to the appeal of our Hon'ble Chairman.

Comrades, we know that a large number of our members are already involved out of their own in some relief work at their locality or already contributed some amount to the Chief Minister's relief fund of their respective state or as per the call of their respective Divisional Federation. Still as a member of LIC family, it is our bounden duty to respond the call of Chief of our LIC family without any deviations. As such it is our earnest request to all of you to donate at least some amount as per your desire and capacity to honour the call of our esteemed Chairman within a day or two without fail.

We also request all the Divisional and Branch Secretaries to monitor this aspect very sincerely to ensure that all our members have given their consent at the earliest.

Waiting eagerly for your whole hearted and timely response to this noble cause.

With best regards,

Comradely yours,

Vivek Singh

Secretary General