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Last date for submission of the application for promotion to the post of ABM (sales)

Dear Comrades, 

Further to the request of the NFIFWI for extension of the last date for submission of the application for promotion to the post of ABM (sales) due to the pandemic of Covid 19 and Nationwide lockdown declared by the Government of India, C.O has issued circular Ref. Mktg./DO/ 27-Rules (2019-20) Dated 11.05.2020 extending the last date of accepting application forms in the Branch Office from 15.05.2020 to 15.06.2020.  


We request our members once again with folded hands to give serious thought before submitting the application for promotion. In our opinion, the Development Officers having more than 45 years of age who are presently working at the borderline (prescribed cost ratio) and presently not earning any Incentive Bonus may opt for promotion. Still, every member should take the decision after analysing the entire situation, especially his/her family problems. But once decided for promotion, he/she should not back out from the decision. This will definitely affect our youngster D.O’s who are really interested to go on promotion. During the last round of promotion to ABM’s, we have observed that many D.O’s (nearly 80%) in spite of giving their choicest place of posting has taken reversion as D.O’s and thereby curtailed the opportunity for the genuinely interested candidates. This kind of situation is very much detrimental for our class and also embarrassing to the leadership of NFIFWI before the management, as we are demanding for relaxations for D.O’s for promotion. The denial of ABM(S) promotion by the D.O’s is also sending a wrong signal to the management that the Job of the D.O’s is more secure and lucrative than Class-1 officers and also hampering our demand of Complete Job Security for the class of D.O’s and for further modifications in the Special Rules. All the Zones are requested to ensure that only interested candidates should apply.


We had also requested the Central Office that any Development Officer who fulfils the eligibility criteria for promotion based on his/her last appraisal settled on or before the cutoff date (29/02/2020) as per promotion notification dated 23/3/2020, and selected for promotion based on an interview he/she should be allowed to join as ABM(s) even if his/her cost ratio has exceeded the PCR after the settlement of next appraisal before promotion. In other words, once qualified for promotion based on the eligibility criteria as on cutoff date should not be disqualified for promotion under any circumstances.  

We are hoping that the Central Office will examine our request and will issue a favourable circular very soon.


Vivek Singh