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Dear Comrades, 

We have been receiving representations from the Divisions about the wrong interpretation of the circular issued by the C.O regarding relaxation to D.O’s under Special Rules due to the pandemic situation in the entire country. It has been represented that the appraisals are being settled and the disincentives are being imposed by the Divisions on the advice of the Zones. Zones are advising Divisions to impose the Disincentives as per the Table of Special Rules as amended in 2016 and then send the appeal of the D.O to the Zone for consideration. The procedure is not correct as per Special Rules and also involves double work in the Divisions. As per sub rule 4,5,6 of Rule 6 of the Special Rules “The appointing authority before implementing the provisions of Special Rules for Disincentives i.e. Cut in FCA, No Increment, Decrement and Termination shall give an opportunity to the Development Officer to make a representation and such representation shall be forwarded to the Zonal Manager for decision. The Zonal Manager will decide on the representation as per the C.O circular.”  


Kindly go through the circular issued by C.O (Ref: CO/MKTG/FPDO/09/2020 Dated 21.4.2020) giving relaxation in disincentives under work norms due to the effect of Covid-19. The relaxed disincentive chart is to ensure uniformity in all the Zones. It is also clearly mentioned that this occasion will be exempted from the provision of sub rule 2 and 8 of Rule 6 of Special Rule 2009 read with Rule 7 of Special Rule 2009, now amended as Special Rule 2016. Kindly go through our detailed message sent on 23.4.2020 explaining the relaxations given for proper understanding. (Attached herewith)


The Zonal Federations are requested to take up the matter with the Zonal Office and ensure that the disincentives are imposed as per the new chart in the relaxed circular (Ref: CO/MKTG/FPDO/09/2020 Dated 21.4.2020) issued by the C.O, to support the D.O’s during this unprecedented situation due to the effect of Covid-19. We hope the Zonal Federations will take up the issue on Top Priority and ensure the proper implementation of the C.O Circular.


Kindly also go through the message sent by the undersigned on 27.05.2020 at 8.10 am:


Dear Comrades,

We are receiving many queries regarding the Exemption to Agents from MBG for the month of May 2020. We once again inform to the members that all the issues related to our field force are being taken up from time to time for various relaxations. The issues relating to the Special Rules relaxation for delegating power to the Divisions to avoid the delay, Continuation of Relaxation in the condition of net addition of agents for the current financial year for allotment, Reappointment of terminated Agents, further concession in the eligibility criteria for Club Membership for the M.Y 2020-21 etc have been taken up with the management. We are hopeful for a positive consideration from the management, to boost the morale of the field force.



Vivek Singh


All the issues relating to our field force are being taken with the management for appropriate relaxations and are hopeful that the management will sympathetically consider the same from time to time as the Development Officers are adversely affected by the lockdown due to Covid-19. Regards,

Vivek Singh