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REINSTATEMENT OF REDUCTION IN BASIC PAY - RULE 9 AND 10 under the Special Rules 2009 and 2016

All Resp NEC members,
Through Zonal Secretary

Dear Comrades,

The provisions of REINSTATEMENT OF REDUCTION IN BASIC PAY - RULE 9 AND 10, provided under the Special Rules 2009 and 2016, on which a detailed PPT was presented, described and discussed by our learned ZS EZ Shri Sumit Baran Rey in the workshop organized just before the NEC meeting at Hyderabad held in June 2019.

That  PPT was also sent to you for your ready reference & further education of your members, but even then, in many divisions there are misconceptions about provisions and benefits of REINSTATEMENT OF REDUCTION IN BASIC PAY - RULE 9 AND 10, available to members but the members are not getting full benefits due to lack of knowledge.

Now,  We are sending you an explanation on this subject, and again all the Divisional Secretaries are hereby requested to take cognizance of the provisions of REINSTATEMENT OF REDUCTION IN BASIC PAY - RULE 9 AND 10 and thereby provide maximum help to their eligible members to get full advantage of the provisions.

If even then the confusion does not ends in any division, the concern DS is requested to ensure forwarding of entire case to his Zonal Office and the Zonal Organization will ensure to get clearification from Zone to  division/s in this context.

Our all ZSs are well competent but if still the issues persists then ZS is/are requested to ensure forwarding of entire case to  Central Office to get clearification  from CO in this context.

धन्यवाद सहित सादर-Thanks and regards

विवेक सिंह -Vivek Singh

Secretary General-NFIFWI(LIC Development Officer Organisation)

Ex Member-Insurance Advisory Committee-IRDAI

Mob:+91 9415202088-7007273426-9170576175