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28-06-2020-All Members NFIFWI


Dear Comrades,

As you all aware that since very beginning of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent locked down situation, we are constantly in touch with the management for granting relaxations on the issues related to our class to protect our Development Officers and agents from any kinds of permanent losses during this unprecedented situation. NFIFWI from time to time, after the pandemic Covid-19 had submitted various issues concerning the class to the management for relaxations, as the Development Officers are adversely affected. 

We thank the management for sympathetically considering the relaxations in work norms and other issues due to this unprecedented situation prevailing in the country. As the management has given relaxations on some issues, we are of the view that to address the concerns of the class of Development Officers urgent relaxations are required on some of the important issues, which are genuine in nature, and affected due to the unprecedented situation in the entire country and beyond the control of the Development Officers. 

After taking suggestions/feedback from members from the entire country, on issues to be taken up with the management for various reliefs and relaxations, we had given detailed feedback / suggestions to the management highlighting each and every aspect of our job and service condition, entire benefits based on performance norms, promotion, release of stagnation increment etc. which may affect our members not only for this year but also in the coming years too, due to this COVID-19 pandemic situation. Even after restoration of normalcy, we may have to face the difficulties because we need to justify our cost and performance to earn eligibility for each and every aspect. Moreover, present COVID-19 pandemic situation has also adversely affected the economy of our country which may cause deep economic recession in coming days impacting our future business performance too.

Our request is that the unprecedented situation needs unprecedented relaxations. We are continuously pursuing with the management for some other relaxations and also early issuance of some other circulars, which are of importance. 

We request all the members not to worry on any issue and have confidence on our great organization, NFIFWI, is working day in and day out to address the issues confronted by the class of Development Officers. We also request everyone to take extra care while moving in the field and follow the guidelines issued by Government of India, Local authorities and LIC. 

We are confident that the management will consider positively on all the issues of our class, affected adversely due the pandemic. We are hopeful for some positive circulars very soon, in a day or two. 

Vivek Singh