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27-06-2020-All members NFIFWI

Dear comrades, 

As you all know, we have requested C.O for commencing of the training for Re-appointment of agents which was stalled due to the Government Instructions on Trainings during the pandemic period. As the Government has allowed training following the safety measures, we had requested C.O to delegate training to the D.O and consider his certification, of having trained the Agent.
Central Office has given instructions to two zones, as per their requirement, to empower the Divisions to conduct training at the respective branches in their Divisions and also conduct test for Re-appointment. Instructions for others will follow. This will enable speedy process in the Re-appointment of the agents by the Development Officers as the training and test will be done at their respective branches. We have requested the management to consider and allow training given by the private institutes for Re-appointment also. We are hopeful that the management will consider the request positively and issue instructions accordingly. All the D.O's are requested to take maximum advantage of the Re-appointment process being held in their branches and Re-appoint maximum Agents. 

Vivek Singh.S.G-NFIFWI