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Secretary General letter NFIFWI/73/2020-22- Date-01-07-2020- Regarding "Credit to Development Officers for business completed by the agent of his organization in the branch other than his parent branch in the Division center" to All Members NFIFWI

NFIFWI/73/2020-22                                                                                                             Date-01-07-2020


All Members of NFIFWI

Dear Comrades,


On the long standing demand of NFIFWI, C.O has issued Circular Ref:CO/ZD/MKTG/FPDO/28/2020 Dated 30.06.2020.


As part of ease of doing business, the Development Officers in all branches, which are located in the Divisional Office center (H.Q), and having common area, will be allowed to complete business in any of the branch located in the Division Head Quarters, apart from his/her parent branch.  


City: - Hyderabad

Divisions having common Area and Operating in Hyderabad City:-Hyderabad Division and Secunderabad Division.


City Branches in Hyderabad City: - Hyderabad Division -16 City Branches and Secunderabad Division – 7 City Branches. Total 23 City Branches of the Two Divisions are operating in Hyderabad City.

Development Officers of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, having area of operation of Hyderabad City, submitting Business in any of the 22 branches other than their respective parent branch (1) will get credit as per the circular issued, as part of ease of doing business.

The facility is similar in all the cities where different Divisions are operating in one cluster. Ex: Mumbai (4 Divisions) Delhi (3 Divisions) Kolkata (2 Divisions) Bangalore (2 Divisions) Chennai (2 Divisions) Pune (2 Divisions), Patna (2 Divisions) & Jaipur (2 Divisions).

With this circular we are sure D.O’s will be at ease and can use this facility selectively. With this circular the long pending problem of credit for Development Officers for business submitted by their Agents in other branches and credit for Recycling of Business in other branches within the area of operation, for Division H.Q D.O’s, will be solved. At the same time this facility will also facilitate the Development Officer to guide his agent to submit in nearest branch to avoid the difficulty of traveling long distances through heavy traffic.

The issue of “Any where submission of proposals within the common area of operation” was a long standing demand of NFIFWI for quite a long time from now. This demand has acquired importance due to vast area of operation in all the metro cities like Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Patna,Jaipur twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, Bangalore and Pune.


In these metro cities the area of operation of a development officer is having a diameter of 40 to 60 Kms and number of branches in the operational area ranges from 20 to more than 30 branches. In fact all the metros have more than one division as common area of operation. With this vast area of operation an agent who has been appointed with his residence far away from the parent branch will have to cross many LIC branches to reach the parent branch. The time consumed and the cost of fuel along with the stress of driving through the heavy traffic for submitting a proposal on hand has become a tough task to the agent. Naturally the agent has started expressing his displeasure and many at times it turns out to frustration and started giving proposals in nearby branch.

Apart from the inconvenience and difficulty of distance to be covered by the agent to reach to the parent branch, our comrades were facing another problem from few disgruntled agents who are submitting their business in some other branch in the common area of operation to deny credit for the Development Officer. Even in case of recycling of business our agent is being forced to submit the proposal at the servicing branch resulting in no credit to the concerned development officer. In some Divisions Satellite Offices of one branch were opened in the operational area of another branch creating further problems.

The effect of all these things has been on our members, and with this background and genuineness of the problem, we have demanded the management that there should be a facility to submit proposals in any branch of the operational area which is common. We had a thorough discussion with the management, the model that is running right now at Mumbai, the difficulties of the organisation in case any where submission is implemented were all discussed. Management also informed us that though this facility is available in Mumbai for all 4 metro divisions, seldom agents used it.

Though the demand for any where submission was much prior to covid 19 pandemic, in the given situation of covid 19, where we are witnessing lock downs, curfews, social distancing, cancellation of all public transport, and the uncertainty of how long this is going to continue, we think this facility of any where submission will go a long way in facilitating our agents and the same can be used by our Development Officers. The long pending demand has been achieved and has to be used very prudently by the members.

This facility has to be used carefully, judiciously, and selectively to take the optimum advantage.

NFIFWI will continue to strive for further improvements in increase of completion of more than 30% of TFPI business in other branches, % of NOP or SFYPI and extension of the facility to all branches in the country.