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Second Medical Opinion from MD INDIA

Greetings! LIC of India has made a special arrangement for its employees to avail second medical opinion for members covered under group medical policy.

MDIndia Healthcare Networx Pvt Ltd has been appointed as the service provider for FY 2020-21 to assist you facilitate Medical second Opinion, with the most appropriate recommended treatment option. Members are requested to avail this facility only for specific listed ailments as below:
 1 Open and close Heart surgery including CABG.
 2 Cardiac ailments necessitating:
 a Pacemakers (including biventricular Pacemakers)
 b AICD s with or without biventricular Pacemakers
 c Radio frequency ablation
 d Device closures of ASDNSD/ PDA etc.
 e Valvuloplasties (BMV/ BAV/ BPU)
 f Valve Replacements
 3 Angioplasties:
 a Coronary and Peripheral (including carotid/ Renal / Aorto-iliac)
 b Including Stent Implantation (with drug eluting stents)
 4 Cerebra or Vascular Strokes/ paralysis due to any cause.
 5 Neurosurgery y/ Ailment requiring Brain Surgery.
 6 Major operation of the spine and vertebrae including correction of congenital spinal deformity.
 7 Renal Diseases/ Failures/ Kidney Transplants/ Dialysis.
 8 Malignancy including Leukaemia
 9 Lung Surgery:
 a Lobectomy
 b Pneumonectomy
 c Decortication
 d Removal of Mediastinal Tumors
 10 Encephalitis ( Viral, Visual / Hearing loss)
 11 Gall Bladder / Pancreatic Calculi or Nesidioblastosis.
 12 Diseases of the Liver leading to hepatic failure or transplantation
 13 Surgery of portal hypertension i on
 14 Organ Transplants.
 15 Aplastic Anaemia
 16 Cerebral Palsy
 17 Myasthenia Gravis

Please contact us on 



so that we can help you obtain more information and schedule an appointment.


MDIndia Healthcare Networx Pvt Ltd.