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09-01-2021-All Members of NFIFWI

Dear Comrades, 

It has come to our notice that some Divisions and some Zones are informing their members that the personal appeals and personal cases which are rejected by the Divisions and Zones are rejected by the Central Office, which is not correct. The information is also taken seriously by the C.O.

If the members are informed of any such case by the Zonal Secretary or the Divisional Secretary, the members are requested to take the following information from the Divisional Secretary and the Zonal Secretary.

When did the representation/case go to the Zonal Office after recommendation of the Senior Division Manager?

When did the case go to the central office after the recommendation of the Zonal manager?

When the matter was informed by the Division Secretary to the Zonal Secretary?

When the matter was informed to the Secretary General by the Zonal/ Division Secretary?

The aggrieved member should take a copy of the rejection letter given by the competent authority in the matter.

I request all the members, that if any case/appeal of any comrade as informed by the Divisional Secretary or the Zonal Secretary that the case is rejected or still pending in the Central Office, all such cases, in the manner mentioned as above after receiving the information in writing by the Zonal / Divisional Secretary, should be immediately sent to the Secretary General all through the Divisional / Zonal Secretary.

The Central Office has issued a circular Dated 24.03.2014, to all the Zonal Offices that any individual case which is to be forwarded to the Central Office should be sent to C.O along with the specific reasoning and recommendation by the Zonal Manager.
Circular is attached herewith.
Vivek Singh.