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13-01-2021--All Members NFIFWI

Dear Comrades,
As our esteemed organisation NFIFWI was founded on 19.01.1957, we will celebrate its 65th Foundation Day on 19th January 2021.
We request all our leaders at different levels and common members to observe the 64th anniversary of NFIFWI in a befitting manner adhering to the guidelines of social distancing under this global pandemic situation.
You are advised to follow the given programmes /activities to commemorate our glorious Foundation Day-
1. All the base committees will organise a special meeting on 19.01.2021. All the retired Dev. Officers attached to respective branch, who were our members should be invited in the meeting and should be honoured on that occasion. Sweets may be distributed to all employees and agents of the branch.
2. On 19.01.2021 all the members of the divisional association should assemble at the divisional office at a particular time and there should be a programme of lighting of sacred lamp in presence of all the members. During assembly all the former office bearers of the division and the zone, who have retired from services should be invited and honoured. Sweets may be distributed to all the employees after the programme.
Tree plantation programme may also be undertaken thereafter.
3 Senior Development Officers present at the Division H.Q should be felicitated. 
Newly confirmed Dev. Officers should also be invited and welcomed with due appreciation.
3. Office bearers of Chennai divisions will visit the residence of our most respected former Secretary General Com. GVS Mani JI on that day and will honour him suitably. They should also visit the house of late K.Chandrasekaran ji, Ex-S.G and meet the family members.
4. Office bearers of Delhi divisions will visit the residence of our most respected former Secretary General Com. A V Tyagi JI on that day and will honour him suitably.
5. Office bearers of Mumbai divisions will visit the residence of our most respected former AIP Com. Mihir Lokhandwala on that day and will honour him suitably.
6. Similarly, Office bearers of Pune division will visit the residence of our most respected former AIP Com. Uttam Jagdhane on that day and will honour him suitably.
They will also visit the residence of our most respected former Secretary General late Com. S W Kalvit and will meet his family members, particularly his wife Smt. Kusum Kalvit ji for her blessings to NFIFWI.
All the Divisions are also requested to visit the residences of Ex-All India Office bearers Shri N.R.Tharthare ji, Shri K.P.Singh ji, Shri Ashok Patil Ji, Shri Gautam Sen Gupta ji, Shri S.P.Sinha Ji, Shri A.V.Rao Ji, Shri Sohan Shah ji , Shri  DD Gupta ji, Shri PS DSilva etc.
7. Similar programmes should be undertaken by the Zonal Federations also.
8. Zonal as well as divisional office bearers should visit the residences of former retired CS/NEC members in their respective places, to honour them.
9. Blood donation camps maybe arranged in the Divisions.
9. The guest houses of our unions at different places should be decorated with lights on 19.01.2021.
 65th Foundation Day banner must be displayed at the divisional office one day before 19th January 2021. 
The Zonal Secretaries are requested to monitor the above mentioned activities in their respective zones.
The JPG and CDR of the banner is being sent in mail.
Comradely yours,
Vivek Singh.