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All members-25-04-2021

Dear Comrades,
We have requested management to issue relaxation in the allotment Circular without any net addition clause, but with a clause of at least 1(one) agent recruitment during the last F.Y 2020-21 or at least 1 agent recruitment during the current F.Y 2021-22 and having at least 15 agents on roll as at 31.03.2021. The condition of recruitment of minimum 1 agent should not be applicable to a Development Officer if there are at least 50 agents in his/her organisation as at the end of the last financial year. We have requested further changes in the allotment Circular basing on our request letter given to management, as per the recommendations of the committee report appointed by the C.S. We are expecting some favourable relaxations in the allotment Circular very shortly. 
*We have been repeatedly requesting our members for recruitment of agents for the last three years, to further strengthen the hands of NFIFWI. Management also repeatedly cautioned us on recruitment and giving us the statistics of D.O's who are not recruting Agents. It was brought to our notice that many D.O's with only one recruitment of agent has got 5 agents allotment and some D.O's having more than 50 agents, were also getting 5 agents allotment without any recruitment. 
We have been reminding our members that the Development Officers channel was the main and dominant channel all these years, contributing huge and sizeable business share in the corporation’s total business. We have to ensure that our business share should not decline paving way for other alternate channels to cut our share. For continuation of our channel’s major share, we have requested our members to recruit more number of agents for wide penetration in the all segments of the expanding market for procuring our Life Insurance Business. We should not give even a little scope for other channels to overtake us even on one count. We should take the advantage of various schemes like CCA’s and RCA’s to increase the number of stipendiary agents for starting their career in LIC.
Inspite of our repeated request to all the D.O’s to concentrate more on recruitment of Agents, the situation did not improve. LIC for the first time in 2020-2021 had a net addition of agents with major contribution from PDO's and CLIA's and crossed more than 13 lakh agency force.
On our request LIC management has relaxed allotment of agents who have brought an average FPI of Rs.5 lakhs in the preceding 3 years to Rs.10 Lakhs (with 10% credit for the single premium) in 2018. 
We are demanding for allotment of Direct agents and all club member agents including C.M club member agents. 
We are continuously following up with the management for review of allotment of agents and Let us hope that the management considers our request.
We are also expecting an increase in the amount of Mobile Handset Reimbursement shortly.
With Regards,
Vivek Singh