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Message by SG for relaxations - English

Dear Comrades,

It is beyond any argument that the entire country is now passing through a scary Second phase of Covid-19. During the last one month we have lost nearly 77 Development Officers and nearly 1350 infected with the virus and recovering. The figures are increasing day by day and it is very tough time for all of us. Many states have imposed lockdown and few states are likely to impose lockdown to curb the surge of the pandemic.
Currently, we are going through a difficult time but one should always remember that this is a passing phase. For the time being, Take care of yourself and your family members. Stay Safe, Healthy and Happy. It is understandable that DO’s are highly anxious and worried about New Business and achieving targets. We know this is stressful time thinking about various concerns confronting the class of Development Officers. As we work for the corporation and to protect our policy holders, we must also protect ourselves from the disease outbreaks and the second wave is proving to be more deadly and dangerous. This is the NOT the time to worry about any other thing other than the
safety of ourselves and our family members. We urge all our members to concentrate more on protecting themselves and their family members against corona virus leaving all your worries and anxiety related to our service to your beloved organization-NFIFWI.

Team NF is continuously in touch with the top management at the Central Office for granting all types of reliefs and relaxations for our Development Officers as well as Agents. We know that to fight this unprecedented situation and to protect ourselves from the unpredictable future due to the corona virus, various relaxations are required. Relaxation in Disincentive table of Special Rules, Relaxations in GOIB, Relaxation in ABM promotion Rules, Relaxation for Stagnation Increment, Relaxation for SBA conditions, Relaxation in OMA conditions, Proportionate OMA and Increase in OMA, OMA for D.O’s maintaining Life Point, one time Interest free Advance for maintaining Life Point, Increase in FCA and as petrol coupons, Relaxation in Car Circular, Relaxation in Agents Allotment Rules are some of the issues which have to be addressed on priority.

The management has always considered the genuine demands of the NFIFWI, and the testimony to the fact are the series of circulars issued from the last one year giving various kinds of relaxations and benefits for the marketing force. We hope that the management will consider the genuine problems of the Development Officers who are now passing through a very critical situation and which is beyond the control of the D.O’s. We are confident and have complete faith that the management will show magnanimity to address the concerns of the Development Officers, and boost their morale, which will be equally reciprocated by aggressive marketing activities, as was done last year, inspite of the adverse market conditions due to the pandemic.

We are quite sensitive and are aware of all the issues, concerns & difficulties of our members during this unprecedented situation. The NFIFWI is fully vigilant of the situation and assure all our members that utmost care will be taken to protect our member’s interests. Be rest assured that everything possible, will be done to help and support our members.

Do not panic and show courage and patience to fight this Covid-19 successfully. Till then, our one and only concern is to keep our members, family members, Agents friends and every LICian safe and sound during this most crucial period. Let us all stand unitedly for strengthening our fight against COVID-19 with utmost sincerity.


All the Zones/Divisions are requested to monitor the safety of our members, PDO’s and also assure them that their interest will be protected by the NFIFWI.


We once again emphasis, put your best and leave the rest to National Federation of Insurance Field Workers of India.