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13-05-2021-All the office bearers at all levels upto Division,

13-05-2021 6PM
All the office bearers at all levels upto Division,

Dear leaders,

We are in continuous conversation with the top level management to sort out our important and urgent issues. During this period of scary situation when thousands of our comrades are getting infected everyday, the health care situation is presently at its worst. Insufficient beds in hospitals, nursing homes or in other health centers already created genuine panick in us. Different medicines, oxygen and equipment to treat a corona patient are unavailable. Under such circumstances we lost 77 Development Officers in last one month. Lakhs of agents are now infected and the trend is going on. Hundreds of agents already died due to the pandemic. On the one hand as marketers our comrades are compelled to move outside  and expose themselves in a risky environment particularly to procure new business to safeguard their service and on the other facing loss due to the illness & death of their agents.

Under such pathetic condition we are in regular touch with the central office to bring several necessary relaxations and some new provisions to save the class. To justify our logic we need factual data from the grassroot level on various matters. Many a times we ask for the data from our members through proper channel to place before the management to justify our demands but unfortunately most of the time either we do not get complete data or we get after an abnormal delay. All of you as leaders must understand that delay in data collection puts us in awkward situation in dealing the matters effectively. Presently also we are facing the same problem. Members do not try to understand that without their minimum cooperation things can not be settled, as they wish. They do not even try to understand that only demands and expectations without fulfilling own responsibility can not give expected result.

We believe leaders are different. They are responsible persons and so we have much confidence on them. Under the present critical situation we require your kind cooperation. You may please refer our Google-sheet for data updation on vaccination of our members. We do not observe any serious response from any level. Now it is the time for you. Now is the time not only to talk, give suggestions or just forward messages sent by the higher forum, but to act seriously and do the real work.

All office bearers of all levels are now earnestly requested to send data of their branch within tomorrow evening in the format already given.

Additionally all the zonal secretaries are requested to send the data of vaccination of the members of their division within the same time frame.

Please co-operate and help us dealing our issues effectively.
Vivek Singh