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Our Agents - Our Pride ! Our Agents - LIC's Pride !!- हमारे अभिकर्ता - हमारा गौरव ! हमारे अभिकर्ता - निगम के गौरव !!

NFIFWI/190/2020-22 -Date- 14th  May, 2021
Secretary General Letter to All Members NFIFWI
Subject - Our Agents - Our Pride ! Our Agents - LIC's Pride !!                                       ✅✅✅ हमारे अभिकर्ता - हमारा गौरव ! हमारे अभिकर्ता - निगम के गौरव !!
Dear Comrades,

The nation is passing through one of the darkest phases. The second wave of Covid 19 is raging through the country. Countless lives are being lost every day. Our inadequate health infrastructure is failing miserably in providing basic treatment. 

There are shortages of every basic health facility. There are acute shortages of doctors, nurses, paramedics. There is huge shortage of ambulance services. There are no beds available, oxygen demand shot through the roof and people are left gasping for oxygen. There are acute shortages of ICU beds, Ventilator machines, drugs. Vaccine supply is not at all satisfactory. Even after death we have witnessed that last rites could not be performed with due honour and respect as our culture and heritage demands.

Most of the states are now trying to cope up with different levels of lockdown. Insurance is declared as an emergency service.  As front line worker of an emergency service we have do our duty as a part of the duty to the nation in these hour of crisis. 

And we are doing our duty as a loyal soldier of the country. Even during this pandemic we have procured ever highest business.

We have taken information from all the Branch Secretaries throughout the country through a special program and we're alarmed to observe that as on day (14-5-2021) more than 10000 agents are affected by Covid and recovered / recovering and more than 300 died. The pandemic is adversely affecting our agency force and increasing very rapidly.

But all these are coming at a heavy price. In last one month we have lost 79 of our comrades who are Covid Martyrs in this war against pandemic and nearly 1750 D.O’s are infected and recovering. We also lost numerous near and dear ones, spouses, parents, siblings, children, friends, relatives. These are very disturbing times, heart breaking times for our class. We, as a class of Development Officers, always have given our toil to make LIC what it is, now we have given our blood too during this pandemic.

At the same time our Agents are also facing similar huge health crisis. The job of our Agents necessitates eye ball to eye ball contact exposing them to the deadly virus on a daily basis. They are the most affected class in LICI.  Because of our robust Mediclaim policy our class is not facing the problem of paying huge hospital bills. But our Agents are not having proper Mediclaim policies. Some are having proper Mediclaim, but most are inadequately insured and many are not having any Mediclaim at all. In last one year the income of our agents also has taken a hit especially for those agents who are marginal agents and as a result they are not insured at all or inadequately insured.

Comrades, agents are our building blocks of success. Development Officers’ success is the cumulative success of our agents. When they are facing humongous problems we cannot; we should not; we must not shy away from our responsibilities. We, as a class and as an individual, have donated profusely towards PM Care fund, state government’s relief funds, NGOs. Now it is our time to help our fellow agents who work for us, even in this deadly pandemic, on our command who have not held back and flung themselves in the insurance market exposing themselves to the virus. 

NFIFWI is giving a clarion call to all our members to stand by our agents. If agents are not adequately insured, if the agent is not having any medical insurance let us support our agents in all possible means and by paying suitable amount generously when they are infected with the virus. This will go a long way in reinforcing our relationship with our agents, individually as well as cumulatively, as an organisation. Humanity is the greatest virtue. If there is any such necessity at all then this is it, this is the time to show our humanity, camaraderie. Let us open our heart and let us show our generous nature during these difficult times. Let us help our Agents. This will bring a good omen to the class, this will create a very positive vibe in LICI and in larger society we live in, which eventually will reflect back upon us.

Comrades, as a first line worker exposing ourselves to the virus we have to take proper precautionary measures as the authorities prescribe. The biggest safety measure is to inoculate ourselves. Every member of NFIFWI along their family members must put all of their resources and might to get them vaccinated. We must also take measure to vaccinate our entire agency organisation. Till our agents are not immune we are also exposed. You may talk to local health authorities as we have been declared emergency service in this pandemic. Whatever may be the means, the vaccination is most potent shield against this rampaging virus.

Comrades, once again I must reiterate the necessity to strictly adhering to the direction of the authorities on Covid protocols. As emergency service, we have to do our job for the nation but ensure safety.

This crisis too shall pass. One day, hope soon, we will meet again.
Thanking all of you,                                                                                                                    Comradely yours,                                                                                                             Vivek Singh
Secretary General