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All the Members of NFIFWI.-Sub: Promotion to the post of Assistant Branch Manager (Sales)-NFIFWI/195/2020-22  -Date-15th  May 2021

NFIFWI/195/2020-22  -Date-15th  May 2021
✅✅✅ All the Members of NFIFWI.
Sub: Promotion to the post of Assistant Branch Manager (Sales)

Dear Comrades,

✅✅✅ May 17, 2021, is the last date for applying for promotion to the post of Assistant Branch Manager (Sales).  In our Corporation, Assistant Branch Manager Sales is an important post in class-I cadre and for Marketing wing, the class-I Cadre starts from this post. Many of our Assistant Branch Managers got promoted from Administration side i.e. Assistant Administrative Officers were job rotated to marketing side. 

Development Officers after a certain period of service and under certain rules, gets the eligibility for this post. At present Out of the present Development Officers, who have served for minimum of 5 years, almost 50% of the Development Officers are eligible for the interview for the post of Assistant Branch Manager sales. On the other hand, Higher Grade Assistants whose service has been above 5 years gets the eligibility for interview, though far lesser in percentage than us, for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer.

When a Higher Grade Assistant is selected for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer, then almost 99% of Higher Grade Assistant join the post of Assistant Administrative Officer even after maximum of them get posting in the remote and rural branches established in rural areas outside and far away from their respective Divisions, while in comparison to them maximum of our members gets the posting in the same Division and many in the same urban area, from where he got promoted. 

Our demand in Promotion policy is that PCR of one year should be taken instead of 3 years, reduction in number of lives etc. are really justified demands. All such topics are issues of concern for the organization and the organization is regularly and successfully getting something every year in last couple of years. 
When we saw the last 20 years number of vacancies, then we find that this year's vacancy is 60% more in number than the previous years, which happened for the first time, and this should be counted as the achievement of the organization.  Also, due to the efforts of the organization relaxation was given by LIC last year, for those Development Officers who are eligible for promotion as on cutoff date, and were not considered for promotion if the D.O has not worked within the prescribed cost ratio applicable to him in an appraisal year which has fallen due by the time his promotion is to be effected. The organization is trying to continue this relaxation for this year also, and we firmly believe that we will definitely be Successful.

If we review the last 10 years experience, each year corporation notifies around 500 post of Assistant Branch Manager and determines the number of different zones according to their demand. If we observe last 10 years experience then we find that, after promotion, more than fifty percent of our Development Officers are not joining as ABMS, and after joining 30% of Development Officers are returning back to their original post within 2 months or before 1 year.In other cadres only 5 to 7 percent people reject their promotion due to their place of posting or due to other reasons, but in our cadre more than 90% of the postings are being done in the same division in which the Development Officer is working. 

Of course, It is amusing for everyone that, on the one hand we demand the facilities of Assistant Branch Manager sales or in comparison to our facilities we demand more than them, but when we get promotion opportunity we do not accept or join that promotion. Paradoxically, this proves that the work of ABMS is difficult and our work is easy, that is why more than fifty percent Development Officers are not joining ABMS promotions and after joining promotion 30 percent Development Officers, are reverting back within 2 months to one year. 

 For promotion to ABMS 5 time’s candidates in unreserved category and in reserved category all those who are eligible for interview will be called for interview and if any Development Officer from General Category, who is not willing to go on promotion is applying for promotion, he is denying the chance for other D.O’s who are willing to go on promotion and such D.O’s will not even be called for interview, as the ratio is five for one. 

As far as monetary benefits and facilities after promotion of ABMS are concerned, it is almost equal to whatever salary, allowances and upto Rs.5 Lakhs I.B a Development Officer is getting. But on promotion along with the monitory benefits and other facilities, the D.O will get additional responsibilities which have to be discharged, his freedom is affected a bit and he has to work within a fixed time frame or even increase office hours. He not only gets some other facilities but also a big accountability, transfer every 3 years or on promotion and besides this, there is no other risk in the ABMS. Salary and facilities will increase every year, whereas in the Development Officer category, when the salary increases, the IB decreases or the cost ratio increases. 

Any Development Officer with high marks who is successful in the interview and does not join or reverts back after joining are clearly depriving our those needy Development Officers who eagerly wish to go on promotion and make a career, but do not get selected due to low marks.

At the same time it is also true that when we analyse the data of the promotion of ABMS for the last 5 years, in depth, we find that many Development Officers who were not able to get IB and below 40 years of age are eagerly joining first in their enthusiasm and then quickly coming back and surprisingly such number is very high.

The Development Officer who gets IB and joins ABMS and then comes back again after some months, loses his I.B, his appraisal is settled for broken period and hence two appraisals are made for the period which also causes him to suffer a lot, it also affects his increment and in addition to that he will not get many of his agents who were allotted to other Development Officers after his promotion. Reverting back as D.O leaving all the higher monitory benefits of ABM, we give a clear message to the management that the job of Development Officer is easy and the job of ABMS is difficult. Forgetting all these things we start proclaiming in the organization's forum and social media that, the job of Development Officer in the entire country is highly disrespectful and inferior to any other job. This is creating a negative impact on the cadre. 

Here, we are sending you data, that in the last year, many of the children of our Development Officers' who were already employed in the private sector or working in public sector banks, in spite of having a good salary and emoluments, preferred to join the post of Development Officer and honorably doing very good work. 

Recently, a Development Officer who resigned after 4 years of service and has become a PO in a public sector bank for a year, is now trying daily to come back as Development Officer, even after the pay scale is higher than the Development Officer and full job security.

*On one hand we discuss in all the organisational meetings about comradeship amongst the members and strengthen the organization and on the other hand we deprive our fellow comrades to get promoted, even after repeated requests of the organization. By doing this mistake repeatedly we are doing complete injustice. As more and more of our comrades get promoted as ABMS, the job rotation from the administrator will be less. As many of our comrades return back from ABMS or do not join, the management will be bound to fulfill their requirements by offering job rotation to AAOs from administration side and none of them rejects the job rotation offer. 

Friends, on the promotion issue we have made many mistakes during the last 20 years, the leaders have also made mistakes, I too made a mistake 25 years ago, but do we have to continue to repeat these mistakes again and again??. According to the present day situation in this global pandemic, the job of Development Officer is getting difficult day by day, it is somewhat easy for those having more than 50 agents, but for those who do not have sufficient agents, the work is definitely difficult and we have also to remember that, our appointment in our corporation is under certain terms and conditions in a definite process to fulfill a certain cost ratio, which you will not find anywhere in the whole country, with independence to work according to our convenience. Special Rules have also been made for us, which are right or wrong, is a different subject and are a matter of serious concerns for us too. A lot of changes have been made in the Special Rules and on priority we are trying seriously for some more changes to Special Rules. 

We wish to inform that Mr. Senthil Raja, Divisional Secretary, Tirunelveli Division of South Zone, has applied for the post of ABM (S) and following the rules of the constitution of the organization has resigned from the post of "General Secretary, Tirunelveli Division", which is highly appreciable and definitely a message for all our friends.

All the Central Secretariat members, all the members of National Executive*, hereby request all our aspiring Development Officers to establish a model in this era of global pandemic before applying for the promotion to ABMS.  We have to think over seriously, we must have to discuss about it with our family with details of all its impacts and then apply for promotion. There should not be any rethinking of not joining nor reverting back. If you have already applied for promotion and are having second thoughts, keeping in mind the future of other actually needy fellow comrades, think of withdrawing before the last date of 17th of May 2021.

We again humbly request all the aspiring Development Officers to keep the above points in mind before applying for promotion to the post of Assistant Branch Manager before 17 May 2021.

✅✅✅ This letter is particularly intended for all those Development Officers who are applying for promotion and not joining and for those Development Officers who wants to join and revert back after some months. Kindly understand the difficulties for the organization and also the pain of other Development Officers who genuinely wish to apply for promotion and join to make a career.

"Please do not make any kind of debate about this letter and don't weaken the organization by posting or questioning this in social media. Already we are faced with barrage of issues confronting the class during this pandemic. Our sincere request to all not to repeat the mistakes we have been doing weakening the organization and giving a chance to the management for any adverse decision. We hope all will understand our concern."

With best wishes for the future
M.Vinay Babu 
Vivek Singh