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Covid Vaccine data details-15-05-2021

✅✅✅  Covid Vaccine data details
👉👉👉 Regarding Vaccination against covid 19 for Development Officers
✅✅✅ You have got the first dose or second dose of vaccine or have not got a single dose. In both cases, fill the data and insert it into the link.

👉👉 Next, when you put the vaccine forward or get another dose, at that time also you insert the data into the link. Your old data will update itself.
✅✅✅ We are determined that every Development Officer ought to be vaccinated against covid-19 by the end of May 2021. Our entire Central Secretariat including me is doing the best efforts to achieve it. We have been monitoring everyday through a team specially formed for this very purpose. All the development officers are requested to take it on top priority and help us to fulfill our determination. 

👉👉👉 As soon as you you get a dose of vaccine, kindly submit your details immediately through the data link.    
 ✅✅✅ Every Divisional Secretary must perform proper monitoring to insure 100% vaccination in the division.
👉👉 NOTE-While filling up the  columns in the vaccine data form, please fill in information requested as under-

✅ Name - only in English
✅✅ SR Number- only SR Number not DO Code
✅✅✅ Branch Code- only Code Number not branch name 
✅✅✅✅ Zone- Tick only one zone
✅✅✅✅✅ Division- Tick only one division
 👉👉 Some of the people have not filled data correctly
Vivek Singh