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All members of NFIFWI-19-05-2021

Dear Comrades,

As the data comes pouring in from across the country we are startled to witness the enormity of the Covid 19 cases amongst the development officers and their family members. What we also found is that the most of the development officers or their family members are advised home isolation and treated at home under the advice of doctors. It also become evident that in spite of home isolation members have to spend substantial amount for medical examination, medicines and doctor’s fees. There also were some cases wherein doctor advised hospitalisation but beds were not available hence employees or family members covered were forced to take treatment in home isolation.

We have already taken up the issue with CO. 

If any member or member of his/her family who is covered under Mediclaim policy for LIC Staffs had Covid 19 and was required hospitalization but treatment was given on home isolation basis due to unavailability of beds in hospital, medical bills can be submitted for reimbursement under such case. Please note in such cases doctor has to certify clearly that patient was required hospitalisation but treatment was given on home isolation basis due to unavailability of beds in hospitals.

These cases will be considered under domicilliary treatment and maximum cover under domicilliary treatment for all members of the family will be 20% of family floater sum insured. All other general rules of the policy shall remain same.

But you should submit necessary claim only after completely recuperating from Covid. It is often found that even after being declared Covid negative it takes long time to recuperate. Any haste may cause irrecoverable permanent damage. So, when you are allowed by doctors to resume normal life, then only you arrange to submit claim, not before that.

Hope this will help our members in this critical time.
Let me reiterate the necessity to vaccinate, the strict adherence of Covid protocol.

Vivek Singh
 Secretary General