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Organisational Update-19-05-2021

✅   Organisational Update-19-05-2021
 👉👉👉 All Members of NFIFWI      
✅✅    Dear comrades,
Our Senior member of NFIFWI (Zonal Joint Sec NFIFWI SZ Since 18 years) and a dedicated office bearer of National Federation Comrade M. Sriram - 99524 23121- Zonal Joint Secretary SZ- has applied for the post of of a ABM- Sales. 

✅   As per the provision of the Constitution of NFIFWI, as soon as any office bearer applies for the post of a ABM-Sales, he has to tender his resignation immediately. Hence, following the regulation of National Federation, Com. M. Sriram has  tendered his resignation from the first of Zonal Joint Secretary SZ. We, all the members of NFIFWI express our sincere gratitude for his commitment & invaluable contribution in the capacity of Zonal Joint Secretary SZ and other posts towards  strengthening  National federation and his members constantly and hereby extend our best wishes for the future ahead.
 👉👉👉 With his resignation, Shri M. Sriram has set an example before us and this thought of joining for ABM Sales is, certainly, a ✅   message for all the members.

 ✅✅✅  Shri M. Sriram have been working with me 3 months Zonal Joint secretary incharge South zone. We will, certainly, miss him.  

✅   Once again, we pray to  Baba Vishwanath for his bright Career ahead.
Vivek Singh
General Secretary