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General Body meetings.

Dear Comrades,
After a long gap, due to the slowdown of the pandemic and normalcy being restored in many places, the Divisions have started conducting their General Body meetings. All the Divisions are requested to take necessary permissions from the concerned authorities and ensure the safety of the members by strictly following the guidelines of the local authorities and the State Governments. 

It has come to our notice that some Divisions are not inviting their Division retired and veteran leaders to the General Body meetings citing central federation direction, which is completely false and misleading. The veteran leaders who have sacrificed their self and served the members of the NFIFWI and made the organization NFIFWI what it is today are to be fully respected and invited to the respective Divisional General Body Meetings and the Zonal Councils. It is always the culture of the NFIFWI to recognize the sacrifices and respect the veteran leaders by inviting the veteran leaders and pay respects to them during the Division General Body Meetings and Zonal Council. We request all the Divisions and Zones to strictly follow the guidelines of the organization and invite the veteran leaders with all due respects to their General Body Meetings and the Zonal Councils.
Vivek Singh