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24-11-2021-Today NFIFWI team lead by AIP Shri.M.Vinay Babu, the undersigned and AIRS(Mumbai) Shri.D.P.Yadav visited Central Office

24-11-2021 9.30 PM
Dear Comrades,
Today NFIFWI team lead by AIP Shri.M.Vinay Babu, the undersigned and AIRS(Mumbai) Shri.D.P.Yadav visited Central Office and met Respected Chairman Shri.M.R.Kumar ji, Respected Managing Directors Shri.Mohanty ji, Smt.Mini Ipe ji, Shri.B.C.Patnaik ji, E.D (Mktg) Shri.P.Muralidharan ji, Chief (Mktg) Smt.Shantha Varkey ji, Sec.Mktg.Shri.V.R.Shukla ji and E.D (C.C) Shri.L.K.Shyam Sunder ji. 

Respected Chairman Sir has congratulated our AIP for the first meeting of the P.F Trust on 18.11.2022 and said that his contributions as Trustee will be a value addition to the P.F Trust.

We have pursued our very important pending issues, for a early favourable solution. The entire day was hectic, meeting all the officials and putting forth our view points to settle the issues urgently. We have represented for a early solution on our Lady maternity issue, GOIB, FCA increase to be Cost free and Tax free, SBA Issues, CLIA spouse agency and related issues, abnormal pending Death claims, Cost free Data allowance, speedy favourable Relaxation of Disincentives and correct interpretation of taking cost ratio for appraisal in view of the C.O relaxation circulars, Additional facilities in Pragathi App, Reimbursement of actual Road Tax paid by D.O, etc.

We were informed by the management that nearly 6000 D.O's as on date have not recruited a single agent, which is of great concern. We request all the D.O's to concentrate more on recruitment of agents, which is going to be of great use. 

On the request of NFIFWI, Management has issued the clarification circular for rules on the allotment of Agents, which is already circulated for your information.

We have requested for a early negotiation and favourable settlement of the GOIB Scheme to address the burning problem of Lapsation and other issues, which motivates all the Development Officers for higher performance levels

We have raised our issues with the management, highlighting the injustice being done on the cadre of Development Officers, along with logic and facts of the cases. We are very hopeful that the management will address the issues very positively. 

Vivek Singh