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All Respected Members-NFIFWI-31-12-2021

All Respected Members-NFIFWI
Dear Comrades,
Today, the last day working day of the month of December2021, many of our Development Officers, former and present National Executive Members, Zonal office bearers, Divisional office bearers and branch office bearers are retiring from the services of Life Insurance Corporation of India after completion of their long successful and glittering service tenure.
Retirement is an important part of the Government service and also is a certification of completion of a long and successful service tenure.
Following are the names of our present and former members of the National Executive, who are retiring today,
Com. VP Singh ji Ex Divisional Secretary Lucknow-NCZ Mob.No. 94150 23573
Com.Subrata Kumar Das Ex Divisional Secretary SILCHAR Mob.No. 9436121163
Com EK Prasad, Ex  Divisional President Kozhikode Division-SZ   Mob.No. 9447236703
Com TS Rajan Ex  Divisional President Thanjavar Division-SZ   Mob.No. 9443156829

Team NFIFWI Gratefully renders a big salute to all the Development Officers, former and present National Executive Members, Zonal office bearers, Divisional office bearers and branches office bearers today and Respectfully acknowledges their commitments, dedication, loyalty and their soulful contribution in strengthening the organization and keeping the organization lively through their untiring efforts and intellect. Today with warm greetings and good wishes we pray Baba Vishwanath to shower his blessings on all of them for a healthy and wealthy long life journey ahead._
Best regards,
Vinay Babu-AIP
Vivek singh-SG