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Exactly 2 years back, on 9th and 10th January 2020 we were at Lucknow to attend our 29th FCM

All members NFIFWI

Dear comrades,

Exactly 2 years back, on 9th and 10th January 2020 we were at Lucknow to attend our 29th FCM.

The conference was graced by central level ministers, many of our veteran leaders and the leaders of other sister trade unions. Nearly 5000 delegates and observers from defferent parts of the country assembled to review the activities of NFIFWI for last two years and to take part in planning the future course of action by the organisation.
With your cordial support, assurances and blessings the new team of office bearers started to function most enthusiastically. But unfortunately, the curse of COVID 19 challenged the organisation. With your courageous support and trust on the leadership we continued our journey to achieve goals through regular contacts with the officials of the central office including EDs, MDs and the Chairman through virtual media. We had to continue our organisational meetings also through different webinars.

On the one hand regular deaths of our members and their sufferings due to COVID started breaking our heart every now and then and on the other hand problem in facing the officials at the central office created much hurdles in our activities. Office bearers including the undersigned suffered from COVID causing interruptions in our progress. But keeping in mind that the organisation and the interest of the members are above all we marched ahead and succeeded to bring number of favourable circulars for our members.

Today when we complete two years of our last FCM, with heavy heart we remember many of our comrades who left us mostly due to COVID but who were our source of inspiration.

Comrades, many jobs are still undone, many commitments are still unfulfilled due to restricted movements under COVID situation but we did not spare a single opportunity to visit Central Office or any other place in the country to meet the officials to get our job done. We travelled anywhere in the country for organisational purpose to keep it vibrant.

Today when we completed two years since our last FCM we gratefully remember your whole hearted patronage to move us forward, your sustained cooperation to keep us tireless in the organisational activities and your valued suggestions to move forward.

On this occasion of completion of two years from our last FCM, we extend our humble gratitude and respect to all of you.

Thank you comrades.

With best of regards

Comradely yours

Vivek Singh