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22-01-2022-All members NFIFWI

All members NFIFWI
Dear comrades,
We are delighted to inform you that the 66th foundation day of our pride NFIFWI has been celebrated all over the country by our members on 19th January 2022. All the Zonal Federations, Divisional Federations and the base committees celebrated the day with due diligence.

To commemorate the occasion centrally designed banners were displayed at Yogakshema, our central office, Mumbai by our local comrades. The premises was decorated with lights from the evening of 18th January. Our union office at Mumbai was also fantastically decorated on that occasion.

In all the Zonal Offices the banners of 66th foundation day of NFIFWI was displayed at prominent places. On the day of celebration members assembled in Zonal as well as Divisional Office premises and after brief but gorgeous programme distributed sweets to all employees and officers. In North Central Zone our zonal leadership was invited by the zonal manager for informal discussion and sharing of greetings on the auspicious day.

On January 19, 2022, All India Res. Secretary Shri DP Yadav and Zonal Secretary West Zone Shri Vinayak Kamath Ji at Central Office, Shri Sanjay Shahi Ji, Zonal Secretary at N. C. Zonal Office, Joint Secretary Incharge East Zone Shri Debashish Ji at East Zonal Office, attended and celebrated the 66th Foundation Day celebrations of the Organization with great pomp, in presence of a large number of members. 

 *Cake was cut at the entrance of "Yogakshema" and sweets were distributed to all the employees.  The delegation of the Federation went to the chamber of the Honorable Chairman, Managing Director and Executive Director and presented them sweets on the auspicious occasion of Foundation Day of the organization.

 In the presence of A. I. Vice President Shri Deepak Vaghela ji, the 66th Foundation Day function was celebrated with great pomp by cutting a cake in Ahmedabad.

 Later On the foundation day, All India Res. Secretary Shri DP Yadav, Zonal Secretary West Zone Shri Vinayak Kamath, Res. Secretary Mumbai Zone Shri William Bansode ji, and a delegation of all the divisional officials of Mumbai 1st, 3rd and 4th divisions, visited the residence of Mr. Mihir Lokhandwala ji  Former AIP, Shri NR Tharathare ji and Shri Sohan Shah ji former All India Res. Secretary, and honoured them. In our SCZ, under the leadership of Zonal Secretary of SCZ a delegation visited the residence of former AIJS Mr. R. V. Rao and honoured him, and in our South Zone a delegation led by the Zonal Secretary South Zone visited the residence of former Secretary Shri GVS Mani ji and honoured him.

We have information that in almost all the divisional offices similar celebration programmes were held. In Secretary General's own division the foundation day was observed in befitting manner in presence of approximately 120 members.

All the branch committees celebrated the day with utmost enthusiasm. As directed they invited ex-members and honoured them with due respect.

In the evening All India President and Secretary General addressed all the members of the country through YouTube channel from 7.00 pm onward. It was possible with the technical help by Sri Punit Bhatt.. AIP in his deliberation reminded the sacrifices of the leaders of the yesteryears and pointed the recent successes of National Federation. Secretary General congratulated all the members and conveyed his heartfelt greetings to all. He put stress on the need of more dedicated involvement in association activities by the members and also appealed for home coming of detached members.

The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks offered by AIJS Sri Debasish Nath.

Comrades, 19th January is a day we are proud of. Under what pathetic situation the founder leaders formed this union is unimaginable today. We have history of struggle and fight. We have history of sacrifices and success. We have legacy of cooperation and brotherhood. Our responsibility today is to carry on the dreams of our leaders, to work hard to earn justice for every individual member. Let us move forward with that mission.
Long live NFIFWI. Long live, long live.
With Regards,
Vivek Singh