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Sad News.. ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्ति !!

Sad News..

Dear Comrades,

With heavy heart We regret to inform that,

*Com. Digesh Tandel age 51 Dev.Officer, Vapi  Branch,Surat Div.-WZ died yesterday (19th Jan 2022)  due to massive heart attack.* 

*Com. M Bhandari age 56 Hubli 3 Branch  DHARWAD Division-SCZ  died due to covid infection -21-01-2022*


We all are standing by his bereaved family during this difficult time and pray to almighty to give peace to the departed soul and strength to the family & fellow colleagues to bear the irreparable loss and assure to the family the support of the entire fraternity in this hour of crisis. We are with the family for any kind of support.


May the departed souls receive light and peaceful path and the Almighty give strength and courage to heartbroken families and to all of us to bear this loss. On behalf of all the members of NFIFWI and also from the core of our hearts we are rendering our personal tributes._


*NFIFWI stands  with the you & families during this hour of crisis.*

ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्ति !!

In Grief,

M.Vinay Babu-AIP

Vivek Singh-SG