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All members,NFIFWI-23-01-2022

All members,NFIFWI

Dear comrades,

After a gap of few months, corona again started to fluster the life of mankind through its 3rd wave. It is spreading more speedily compared to the first and second wave. The government had to impose many restrictions on our normal lifestyle. In many parts of the country partial lockdown has been imposed.
According to the experts the infection this time may not be much dangerous compared to the previous occasions. Our general observation is also similar to that of the opinions of the experts. But at the same time it has also come to our knowledge that many of our members all over the country have been infected this time too. We already had to bear with the pain of losing lives of two of our comrades very recently . We do not know that even after recovery what harms the virus is leaving in the body. So it is better to be cautious instead of undermining the strength of the viral attack.

We, therefore, request all our members, not to ignore the disease and to follow all the protocols directed by the experts and the physicians to push away the infection.
Life of every individual is precious. Our members should take care of self, his/ her family members and friends and to advance the social awareness to keep the world safe.

With that awareness only, we had to postpone many of our GB meetings in the recent past. Physical meeting with the management is also restricted for now.

Under such circumstances, we request all of you, not to undermine the third wave of COVID, to follow the medical as well as administrative guidelines for our own safety.


Vivek Singh