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CO Visit on 21st and 22nd February-2022

Dear Comrades, 
As informed, AIP Shri M.Vinay Babu the undersigned along with AIRS (Mumbai) Shri D.P.Yadav visited C.O on 21st and 22nd February to pursue our pending issues and issues related to the Joint Front. We had met the Respected Chairperson Shri M.R.Kumar ji, Respected M.D’s Shri S.Mohanthy ji, Shri. B.C.Patnaik ji, Smt.Mini Ipe ji, ED (Mktg) Shri P.Muralidhar ji, ED (SBA) Kamal Kumar ji, ED (C.C) Shri L.K.Shyam Sunder ji, Shri AshwanI Ghai ED (IPO CELL/PMU), Sec.Mktg. Shri V.R.Shukla ji and Secretary SBA Shri.Mahendra Das ji. We had raised our concerns regarding the IPO and the various rumours floated to the management and requested for an information sharing session to address all the concerns raised by the joint front. 
During the deliberations held during the two days we had once again raised the GOIB issue and to address our concerns in a positive way. We had a very detailed discussion with the ED (Mktg) and the marketing department on many of our pending issues along with the GOIB issue on which discussions were held with the full team of NFIFWI on the 8th February. After the discussions on 8th February, taking into account all the suggestions and aspirations of the members we had submitted our suggestions in writing once more to the management on 15th February. We had explained in detail the logic of our written suggestions and the positive effects it will have on the overall growth of the Corporation. We had placed our views with a view that more Development Officers should be brought within the ambit of the Incentive Scheme. We are hopeful of a very positive outcome very soon. 
We had also raised some other issues regarding clarification for the payment of OTRT, Review of the Car Circular, Unit meeting clarification for D.O’s who attracted minor punishments, Relaxation in various conditions, SBA issues, Individual appeals etc.
We had a detailed discussion with ED (SBA) on SBA issues. We took strong objection calling few individuals for discussion who claimed themselves of representatives of all the SBA's. We clarified that 90% of the SBA's are members of the NFIFWI and any discussion  should be only with the representatives of the NFIFWI who represent the majority SBA's. We had been assured that a delegation of NFIFWI will be called for official discussions after March closing. 
We had discussed about the increase in transaction fees and OMA allowance, reduction in the number of transactions, yearly review for payment of OMA, two categories instead of three categories for payment of OMA i.e Division H.Q and Non Division H.Q, simplification of oma circulars into a one page circular to have full clarity and reduction in eligibility condition etc.
Vivek Singh