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All the Members NFIFWI -16-10-2022

All the Members NFIFWI 

Dear comrades,

You are already aware that nowadays IRDAI is very active in the matters of various new regulations, and all of those are extremely harmful for our class. Portability of agents, reduction in first year commission of agents, launching of Bima Sugam, common platform for agents and demat form of policies are going to ruin each and every individual Development Officer. The regulations, if implemented, will put our service in LIC under question. This is the time when we are compelled to unite and fight unanimously for our existence.

With a view to rejuvenate ourselves and to sensitise all our members about the dangerous impact of the propositions of IRDAI, we had intended to observe 26th September 2022 as " AWARENESS DAY ". But unfortunately the response from the rank and files was not at all encouraging. 

Friends, as you have been reported earlier, we had a very serious meeting with the chairperson, IRDAI on 30th September 2022. Though we placed our views on the proposed new regulations verbally as well as in writing before the chairman, IRDAI but it appeared that the regulator is firm on their decision.

Under such circumstances we urgently require to be prepared for any kind of protest programme in near future.

17th October 2022 is another day for us to exhibit our strength. On that day we are going to submit our CHARTER OF DEMANDS at the Central Office. We are to follow the below mentioned organisational programme on that day at different levels-

1. On 17th During lunch hour,  AIP, Secretary General, AI Res. Sec.(Mumb.), Zonal Secretary (WZ), Zonal President (WZ), Zonal Office Bearer of the Western Zonal headquarters, all the members and Divisional Office Bearers of Mumbai DO 1, 2, 3, 4 and Thane  will assemble at the Central Office Yogakshemm, where we will conduct gate meeting to discuss the salient points of our Charter of Demands 2022.

2. Respective Zonal Presidents and Zonal Secretaries  alongwith all Zonal office bearers of Zonal headquarters, all the members along with all the Divisional Office Bearers of all the Divisions of their respective Zonal headquarters will assemble at their respective Zonal offices during lunch our and will conduct gate meeting to explain the salient points of the charter.

3. Similarly, Divisional Presidents and Divisional Secretaries alongwith all Divisional office bearers of the Divisional headquarters and members from all the local branches will conduct gate meeting at their respective divisional offices to explain the salient points of the charter.

4. Branch units of the rest of the branches will organise gate meetings in their respective branches to discuss the salient points of the charter.

Please note it down that,  There should not be any deviation by any member in this reference. Everyone must have to understand that, this is a preparation for bigger protest programmes and any casual outlook towards this exercise may throw us to deep uncertainties.

Let us follow the programme of 17th October with utmost sincerity.

National Federation Zindabad.

Comradely yours,

Vivek Singh