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former Secretary General, the legend Com. G. V. S. Mani Ji

All the members, NFIFWI

Dear comrades,

With a broken heart we are painfully to inform you that our former Secretary General, the legend Com. G. V. S. Mani Ji left us for ever today morning at about 5.45 am. Comrade Mani has always been true and dedicated leader of National Federation which he kept live in his mind even at an age of 92 years. He took charge of National Federation as Secretary General in the year 1986 and continued upto 1992. His bold and intelligent leadership saved the services of thousands of Development Officers and established the dignity for the class.

The man who was born on 19th October 1931 signed the MOU on Special Rule 1989 in 19.07.1988 on behalf of NFIFWI that acted as a strong safeguard for the class.

 The visionary leader, com. G. V. S. Mani had seen the corporation from its very first day and spent his entire service period for the cause of the class alongwith com. S. W. Kalvit.

Today when we are deeply mourned on his passing away, we remember with utmost respect his involvement and affection with NFIFWI. He with his weak physique but strong mind always celebrated our foundation day most enthusiastically.

When he is no more, the fraternity of Development Officers is filled with sorrow and is speechless. On this painful moment we convey our homage to his bereaved family and promise to be by their side for any help or assistance.

Tomorrow the funeral work will be done with due respect and honour. Our local comrades will be attending the function.

We request all our Zonal, Divisional and Branch units to arrange one condolence meeting TOMORROW during recess our to pay respectful homage to the departed soul of com. Mani.

Comradely yours

Vivek Singh