Post Detail


All Resp. Delegates and Observers,


All Resp. Delegates and Observers,
30th FCM of NFIFWI

Dear Colleagues,

At the outset We would like to share with you our alleviated feeling for ultimate conduction of the Federal Council Meeting on 18th and 19th April 2023, which was long due. The comrades of Chennai divisions l & ll under the leadership of South Zonal President Com. Joseph Suresh and Zonal Secretary Com. B. Prabhakar did their best during the busy days of March 2023. For shortage of time to organise such a big event and hike in expenses in every sphere after covid 19 pandemic, the entire programme could not touch our expectations, but with your support and enthusiastic participation the conference was a grand success.

Presence of two central level ministers and their deliberations full of assurances to us certainly made us confident to march in the right direction.

Presence of our leaders of yesteryears and leaders of our sister trade unions also helped us feel strong togetherness which is very essential for the present time.

Many retired members, newly confirmed members and lady members inspired us in organisational activities. Above all your participation in the conference, which is around 3500 in number, nearly 200 member's deliberations, on Secretary General's report and in open forum, were the real yardsticks to measure the strength of the organisation.

In the last session you all, unanimously constituted the team of office bearers which is a very significant indication towards a strong fraternity and undisputed cohesive force for any organisation. This must have sent a strong message to the management also.

Friends, We are grateful and obliged to all of you for giving us opportunity to serve this mighty organisation NFIFWI for one more term. It is indeed an emotional and significant feeling for us to observe your trust and confidence on us. As a Team, We promise to rededicate ourselves to honour your high level of faith on us. At the same time We expect all sorts of support and cooperation from your side to achieve many more things on behalf of the organisation.

Please accept our sincere gratitude and  thankful Regards,

Comradely yours,

Vivek Singh