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NF constitution.

All members NFIFWI
The above constitution amendment was approved by FCM Chennai.  


     (vi) In case Zonal Council was not held within the stipulated time as mentioned in (v) above,    no zonal office bearers of that zone shall be allowed in the CS, NEC or DECs under the zone.Which has been implemented in the NFIFWI organization with immediate effect. 

      (v) In case Divisional Council was not held within the stipulated time as mentioned in (v)      above, no divisional office bearers of that division shall be allowed in the NEC/ZEC.

All the members keeping this in cognizance, all the units should carry out organizational activities only under the above amendment.  

Your organization is registered under trade union.  All the members are requested to ensure that all the members follow the NF constitution.

The NF constitution is available on the NF app.  Soon whatever amendment has been done in Chennai FCM will be included in the constitution.
Vivek Singh 
Secretary General