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NFIFWI Mega Business Day scheduled for 11th March 2024.

Dear Comrades,
The Scheduled meeting of the National Executive Committee was held in Trivandrum from 21st to 23rd February 2024. During this significant gathering, our esteemed ED Marketing Shri R. Sudhakar Ji graced us with a brief yet insightful visit, responding to our invitation. He shared invaluable insights regarding the concerns raised by the management, including the challenges posed by a declining market share, the pivotal role of our marketing force, the recent launch of new products, and the innovative initiatives spearheaded by our management.

In response to the pressing issues discussed at the NEC meeting, a strategic decision has been made. We are excited to announce the NFIFWI Mega Business Day scheduled for 11th March 2024. It is imperative that each Development Officer plays an active role by being present in their respective branches on this crucial day and every Development Officer is expected to activate a minimum of 10 agents or 25% of their agency force, whichever is higher.

Now more than ever, we find ourselves at a juncture where proactive measures are required to address market challenges. In these changed market conditions, our unity and proactive response become paramount. It is incumbent upon us to collectively uphold LIC's esteemed position in the market. Let us unite and take on the responsibility of securing LIC's position as the leading force in the market.  We earnestly appeal to each member to respond wholeheartedly to the call of NFIFWI. Let us collectively strive to bring honour to the NFIFWI and demonstrate our unwavering strength.

Let us harness our collective strength to overcome challenges and emerge victorious in this dynamic market landscape. 

Together, we can overcome challenges and triumph in the face of adversity.

Vivek Singh