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11th March -2024 Mega Business Day

All Members NFIFWI                                                                                      11th  March -2024 Mega Business Day
Dear Comrades,

4th March 2024 being First Monday of the month, All Branch Units are requested to conduct their respective Br. Unit meetings without fail. There should be 100% attendance of our members in the meeting except for those who are with major sickness. We have to discuss thoroughly about only ONE point Agenda i.e  11th March Mega Business Call given by our National Federation  for the First Time at  All India level and how to make it successful.

Comrades March is a very important month For LIC and for Field Force. Sizeable quantum of business comes from this important Month as the Financial Year ends. There is necessity to focus and  improve our performance levels on various parameters of relevance to us.

We should concentrate and focus on Agents Club Membership Norms,  Nil Terminations in this March Month, Reducing lapsation by availing on going Revival Campaign, 100% Activisation of our Agency force in March Month, Popularising our New Products Jeevan Utsav, Amrit Bal, which are guaranting Returns and Full Credit for Short Term,  Jeevan Akshay and Jeevan Shanthi which are assuring increased returns, New ULIP Index Plus  and all other attractive plans.

Also we need to Maximise Reinstatements and Reappointments of Agents etc. All our members should take our NF 11th March Business Call to heart and focus seriously and mobilise maximum business involving each and every agent of us.

Our active involvement makes all the difference

The barest minimum activation on 11th March 2024 should be 25% of our agency force or 10 agents whichever is higher.

Members who activate 50%* of their Agents on 11th March 2024 will be honoured suitably in their next respective General Body Meetings, whenever they are held as per schedule.

Members who achieve 70% Activation of their Agency force will be given Certificate of Excellence and Commitment by Zonal Federation in addition to honour at our next Zonal Council

Members who activise more than 90% activation level of their Agency strength will be given Certificate of Excellence and Commitment from All India Federation in addition to Special honor at next Zonal Council.

The marketing activity and involvement of our Agency force we could generate for 11th March 2024, will help us to achieve new performance levels for all of us in this month.

The increased marketing activity and our Mega contribution definitely exhibit the mighty unity of our class and strength of NFIFWI, which will strengthen the hands of our leadership at all levels and Also give strength to NFIFWI to negotiate better Wage Revision and other inter related concerns of the class like Wage Arrears Exemption, Other Salary related demands like Stagnation Increments Once in 2 years, Relaxations for ABM promotions, Exemption of Increased CR for other concerns. Ahead. 

With best regards,
Comradely yours,
M.Vinay Babu
All India President
Vivek Singh
Secretary General