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All the members, NFIFWI, 
16-04-2024 was the last day for the application for ABM(s). I hope all of you who were interested have applied. This will open another window for us. The constitution of NFIFWI mentions, that from the divisional level upward "any office bearer should tender his resignation at the time of applying for promotion." So it should be noted that all such office bearers must resign with immediate effect. After that new office bearers to the vacant positions will be co-opted, at the immediate next CS/ZEC/DEC. During the co-option nobody, who has already applied for promotion should offer himself as an office bearer. If any GB meetings are held in the meantime, the same principle will also be applicable there; i.e. nobody who has applied for promotion is eligible for the post of office bearer.If any dispute with regards to his status of promotion application is raised; the written declaration of the concerned member, stating that he has not applied for promotion shall be considered for the time being, in good faith.
It is the responsibility of the respective body to act in right earnest and uphold the sanctity of the CONSTITUTION. In the last promotion round it happened,, in one Zone, the Jt. Secretary of that Zone, remained in his position , even after applying for promotion,thereby undermining the CONSTITUTION. This created a furore in the next NEC. Every constituent body of NFIFWI must remember not to create any such further precedence, this time; failing which , the Central Federation will have to intervene to uphold the Constitution This is for your cognizance and perusal.