Post Detail


All Divisional Presidents and Divisional Secretaries,


All Divisional Presidents and Divisional Secretaries,

The first quarter of the current financial year 2024-2025 has ended and we have entered the second quarter of the financial year 2024-2025 from today.

In the first quarter i.e. from April to June, the All India SDM Conference, All India RMM Conference, SDM Conference under all zones and BM Conference under all divisions were held in Life Insurance Corporation of India.

We not only hope but believe that in the first quarter of the current financial year, all of you must have also held a DEC meeting and the ICC meeting with your SDM (along with agenda). You must have also visited the branches with the entire divisional team.

Hearty congratulations and greetings to all the office bearers of all divisions for holding DEC meeting & holding your ICC meeting with SDM (with agenda) and visiting branches in the quarter from April to June.

The Divisional President and Divisional Secretary of all those divisions which have not yet conducted the DEC meeting, ICC meeting with SDM (with agenda) and not yet unfertaken branch visits in the first quarter of the current financial year are requested to ensure that the first DEC meeting of the current financial year & the ICC meeting with SDM (with agenda) and visit to branches are conducted latest by 20th July 2024.

I request all those Divisional Secretaries who have accomplished all the above mentioned organisational activities in the first quarter of the current financial year, to post a detailed report on their organisation's letter head (drafted in regional languages) in the division's WhatsApp group in order to keep all their members informed.

At the same time, I request all those divisions who have not yet done the organisational activities mentioned above, to post their detailed report in the division's WhatsApp group to inform their members after completing it by 20th July 2024. All divisions should also send a copy of the detailed report of organizational activities to their Zonal Secretary.

I humbly request all the Zonal Secretaries that as part of their responsibilities, after receiving the organizational activities report from all the divisions after 20 July 2024, send us a brief report of the organizational activities of their zone. The brief report should include a brief description of the organizational activities undertaken by you and the organizational activities of each divisional unit. It is expected that the Zonal Secretary's report should also clearly include the dates of DEC and ICC meetings held by the divisional units.

With best wishes,

Vivek Singh
Secretary General