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63rd foundation Day

Dear Comrades,

Revolutionary Greetings to all the members of the NFIFWI on the 63rd foundation Day of our beloved organisation.

Our salutes and best wishes to the members and their families on this festive day of our NFIFWI. Remembering Com.S.W.Kalwit and other stalwarts, we would like to extend our feeling of gratitude to all our former leaders for their Contributions and Sacrifice.

We remember the sacrifices and salute the efforts of all the yester year leaders whose contributions have made this organization stronger. 62 years of commitment and struggle of the past leaders has made this NFIFWI a stronger Trade union. Red Salutes to all the former leaders. Let us rededicate ourselves in carrying forward the legacy of sacrifice, for the betterment of N.F and its members. Let us make this organization much stronger to protect us and future generations to come. We are observing Federation Foundation Day Today for which we are all committed to rededicate our services, strength, solidarity & Unity to hold our flag very high.

Let us always remember the words of S.W.Kalwit, "Times have changed, Situations have changed but the need to fight has not changed".

We once again heartily greet you on this remarkable date of 19th January, our foundation day and wish New Achievements, Happiness and well-being to everybody under the banner of NFIFWI.

“Happy Foundation Day".

Long live the revolutionary struggle of NFIFWI, Long Live NFIFWI, NFIFWI Zindabad.